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Reference Books for Life

CA Suraj Lakhotia , Last updated: 27 February 2013  

“Singhania or Manoharan,  Datey or Bangur, Study Material or Tuition Notes.”

Each one of us would have pondered upon these questions at some point of time or the other and correctly so. These are questions which have bearing on our preparation and success in exams. Lots of efforts are put into seeking a book which would guarantee success in exams. What next after CA? You would start seeking a book on Group Discussions and Personal Interviews. You would get a job and what next. Marriage, family and the list would never end.

Has somebody thought of the journey in the meanwhile? Passing CA, settling down with a job and then with life are milestones of a bigger journey. After each milestone we move to another and then another.

How about having a look at some of the books which would help you to live life in a better way?

Here are few of books which I have found really useful.

(Kindly note that these are based on my personal experience and thought of sharing)

1. The Power of Positive Thinking For Young People (Author : Norman Vincent Peale/Rs.175)

This book advocates positivity and faith and conquering negativity and fear. This book carries excerpts from bible and letters written to author from various readers across the world. This book would help you to develop self belief and look for prosperity. Once you are engrossed reading this book you will realize one thing for sure – the key to all successes and reasons for all failures in life. You can actually relate your life with incidents in this book.

2. Who Will Cry When You Die? ( Author: Robin Sharma/Rs.100 (approx)

This book contains about a hundred brief write ups of 1-2 page each, spanning across different aspects of our life. This book offers solutions to complex seeming problems in our life. Whether it be utilization of time or developing a habit or goal setting or relationships, this book has it all. You may feel that implementing what is written in this book might be difficult, but it is worth a try. Even if you are able to bring about a positive transformation in one aspect of life, it would be great.

3. The Secret (Author: Rhonda Byrne)

This book talks about law attraction and is based on the premise that Universe can and will give you whatever you want. What you think, it manifests. Its all in the mind. You would be able to understand the feel good factor and when you feel good everything around you would be good. After reading the book, do watch the movie. Many find this book as nonsense. Well whatever this book talks might be or might not be true. The important point out here is the positive change it can bring about in your life. If you can get a positive transformation in your life, that would be a significant achievement.

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Author: Stephen R Covey/Rs. 475)

This is one of the most influential self help books I have ever read (Though I have not implemented much of these). This books has lessons like being proactive (instead of being reactive), Beginning with end in mind, First things First (Priority of things), Think win-win, Seek first to understand and then be understood, Synergise and Sharpen the saw. Each concept throws light on aspects of life with examples. Read it once – you would find it difficult to understand and implement. Read it again and you will find it really useful.

5. How to Win Friends and Influence People? (Author: Dale Carnegie/ Rs. 175)

The first edition of this book is published in 1930s and is still relevant today. This book talks about improving communication and ultimately improving relationship with others. Wherever you are at school, college, office, home, client’s place, as an auditor, auditee – You need to deal with people and this book will help you immensely. The concepts in this book might sound simple but the practice of same will bring dramatic results. This is one of the few books which has got rating of 5 in 75 out of 78 reviews and rating of 4 in balance 3 reviews on flipkart.

6. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (Author: John Gray/ Rs. 825)

This book unlocks perspectives of both genders and the glaring differences between the two. Finally it boils down to one thing – Misunderstanding and Miscommunication are root cause to any problem in a relationship. This is one of the few books which could transform your life if you are able to understand and implement. Mutual understanding and respecting each other’s feeling would be of immense help. A must read book for those who are in a relationship or about to be in one.

All books listed above are from the self help category. It is important to bear in mind that nothing can be achieved without Action. Merely reading the books without actions would be of no use.

“So, Take action and Get Results.”

Most of the above books are available at very reasonable prices. May be at a movie’s ticket cost. Some are a little costly. But it is worth the investment. 

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CA Suraj Lakhotia
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