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Redirect Your Life in 2017

CA Aditya Shah , Last updated: 04 January 2017  

At the workplace, but not too much interested in working? At home, have free time but not too much interested in studying?

Perhaps your life needs a direction and this article is for you.

This is just out of the accepted beliefs and notions that one way or the other many of us have or form in Life.

While it is very true that we learn from our struggles and bad experiences, the second truth is that sometimes we fail to understand or appreciate what we learned. Fail to make practical use of it and see the positive, the better side of our struggles.

Otherwise, trust me on this one, the mind is so powerful that if you make right use of it, at any age or in any situation you can achieve wonders. But for that, positivity and happiness, one must get into the system and become a part of our lives. 

At this point, I’ll borrow one from Uday Chopra who once tweeted: We all are given fear for a reason but more often we tend to use it much more than what is was given for.

So how to make better use of the opportunities given to us?

1. Stay up to date on what’s happening around you: Read the newspaper daily. Atleast for 15 minutes. Watch Business news or keep checking your news App. There are lot of Changes coming up in our commerce field this year. Plan on how you are going to update yourself with them.  

2. Live a Disciplined Life: Lord Krishna said to Arjuna “Education & Discipline are two important things to control your mind” A well informed mind is the one which is educated, but a well functioning mind is one which adheres to discipline as well. Once you focus on something, there will be tendency of mind to run in the opposite direction. Control it. It will again try to run in the opposite direction. You must do this over & over again and eventually your mind will work the way you want to make it work. 

3. Remind yourself of your goals: One, write your goals. Two, put them in places such that they are visible to you. And this is really very important.

Our mind will act more on the things that are visible to it. So put them in your notelist, on the wall of your room or perhaps in your wallet.

Whenever you get into disbelief, take time out from whatever you are doing. Calm down your mind. And then remind yourself of your goals. Knowing that this disbelief will only drive you away from achieving them.
If you are living without an aim, then perhaps you are not living your life fully at all.

And remember, whenever you fear planning due to repeated failures, you are not the only one that is. There are many people who have failed. Before you, After you. Failed more times than you have. But remember, the worst failures have also set the biggest examples. Ask yourself on whether you want to accept your failure or you want to set an example. And if you are accepting your failure and finding an excuse not to try, ask yourself a simple why? Then use your intellect to find out whether your reason is a genuine one or not. You'll start getting your answers. This is what I often do. 

4. Think positive: It’s not just about a day or for some time. Thinking positive is a habit that we can form, by deciding to think positive. If you think positive, the amount of conviction & confidence with which you undertake the action multiplies multifold. The outcome has to be much more fruitful, whether it’s an achievement or a lesson. 

5. Stay Happy: Yes, Happiness is a choice. And it can be found in the smallest of things. What matters is our ability to see through. If you choose to stay happy, you will.

There will always be things which will be out of our control. Like we can’t change the marks we are going to obtain in the exam or we can’t change a fact that’s already been in the past. What can we change? Our own performance. Our skills, our credibility. And it all starts with a small belief that I can.

“To be a Champion, you will have to believe in yourself when no one else will”

“If we doubted our Fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in Life we’d accomplish”

The author is a CA Final student and also a third year B.Com Student at St Xavier's College.

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CA Aditya Shah
(Chartered Accountant, Entrepreneur, Ex Ernst & Young)
Category Students   Report

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