Reasons for failure in CA exams

HRISHABH GUPTA , Last updated: 13 March 2020  

On average, more than 40000 students appeared in CA final & just 10-12% passed. Have you ever wondered why?  The reason is not being able to study properly & you need to increase your efforts. CA is considered one of the toughest exam so that’s not an easy thing to clear it. 

Can you understand what is the difference between people who passed & who failed? The major reason is not being able to study properly. Here I have listed some common reasons behind failure in CA & some suggestion thereof:

1) Time management: Time management is the biggest reason behind failure in CA because many student studies hard but they didn’t know how to manage their time. They got stuck between office, self-study & classes. They didn’t get the proper time to study.

Now you need to manage your time. You should make a schedule of how much time you have & how to utilize that time. You have to utilize your time in the best possible manner.

Reasons for failure in CA exams

Time is not the thing it’s everything

2) Inconsistency in the study: Many students start their study but leave it incomplete for any reason. You should make a schedule & consistently follow that schedule. when you bring inconsistency in your study you will forget that thing also that you studied.

So try to study in a consistent manner. & follow the time table which you prepared. Ignore any type of inconsistency that arises during the period like party etc.

If you can’t be consistent you can’t be anything

3) Confusion between books: And another important fact is confusion between books. From which book you should study. There are many books available in the market that creates confusion among students.

Do not get confused between the books. Try to use maximum Study material provided by institute & If you are already studying from other books then do not switch at the end time of the exam.

4) Way of study: Every student study in the same manner from the same book but passed only a few students the reason behind this is what is your way of study.

You should create some uniqueness in the study so that you can make a difference. if you will study like the others you will be like them so try to do some unique.

You will never prosper if you don’t do anything unique


5) Revision manner: This factor is also having a great weightage for failure. some students just audit the books like only read but not practice this so they go to failure.

When you are revising the syllabus make sure you are doing practice for the same so try to practice more than just only read. Try to make your summary notes so that you can study from that at the exam time. at the exam time you didn’t have enough time to revise the books so revise with your own written notes.

Scoring in a paper mostly depend on your revision style

6) Presentation skill: The thing that mostly student make their mistake is their presentation skill. May be possible you write whole the answers good & correct but because of your presentation you are not getting marks.

Try to improve your presentation skills with your handwriting. For the presentation, skill follow the suggested answers provided by the institute.

With the knowledge you are good but knowledge with presentation skill is a blaster


7) Selective Reading: Many student do that they did only some part of the syllabus in place of studying the whole one. Study the selective syllabus is the biggest mistake of the student because institute can ask anything in the exam.

Cover the whole syllabus of institute otherwise cover as much as you can. If you only covers partly syllabus than the paper is totally depend on your luck.

Half knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge

8) ignorance of theory in the practical subject: Another reason for not passing the student in CA that they ignore theory in the practical subject because this also has weightage for the papers.

Study some theory also so that you can write if it will be asked in exams & can cover maximum number of papers. when you cover maximum number of papers you can score good marks.

Ignorance is voluntarily own destroyed.

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