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Quality Approach to clear CA/CWA/CS exams

CMA Raveendranath , Last updated: 24 October 2011  

As all of your know that today it is one word called Quality which is running the whole world. What ever we talk today it is prefixed by the word Quality, like Quality Products, Quality Service, Quality Education, Quality Health etc etc. So, today what ever we do we need to ensure that we adhere to quality in that, be it your preparation for exams, presentation of answers in exams and of course even after getting qualified as professionals. After spending most of time in training and guiding the students of professional courses I feel that most of the students are failing in exams not because professional exams are tough or there is no enough time for preparation but, it is because of poor quality of student’s understanding the subject, preparation for exams and more important presenting answers. If students can improve on the below mentioned points, then definitely success will not be far for many of you.

In my experience as a tutor to professional course, I think majority of students appearing for professional exams should develop some basic skills and habits which are more important to clear the exams. I would like to briefly discuss those by using the word QUALITY. When you make efforts to understand each and every alphabet in the word QUALITY then you come to know that it is not a simple word as you thought all these days to be. So let me start with first telling what each alphabet in the word QUALTIY stands for.

Q       Quality

U       Understanding

A       Analysis

L       Learning

I        Intelligence

T       Timeliness

Y       You

Q – Quality

Professional exam is all about understanding whether the students have enough knowledge and skills to clear the exams or not. In this process Quality becomes very important factor which you need to bear in mind. Answers and discussion should be up to the point and you need to avoid paragraph type of answer. What ever you are trying to convey put it in bullet points and be very much particular about the Quality part of your answer. Always remember, you are judged by quality answers and not by quantity answers.

U - Understanding

Many of put lot of efforts in reading the subject but most of you do not understand what you have read. So, practice the skill of understanding which can be done by continuously practicing 5R’s which are Referring, Recording, Revising, Recollecting and Rehearsing. Always remember, examiners will look for whether you have understood the concepts in the subject or not.

A- Analysis

Some of the subjects in professional exams require analysis and logical skills. Questions will be framed in order to know whether the student have the required skills to analyse the problem and find solutions to it. Questions in subject like taxation, quantitative techniqes, cost accounting, capital market analysis etc are set to understand the analysis skill of student. You can develop analysis skill by continues hard work and practice. Try to read journals on the topics, view news channels, attend seminars and conference, work on part time projects etc. This skills is must and should for those of you who are in final stage of the professional exams. Always remember, it is only good analysis skill which will help you out in your career as a professional.

L –Learning

Learning is one important thing which helps in knowing the subject. You should learn the subject in such a way that it not only solves the purpose of clearing the exams but it continues in your professional career. It is a never ending task and in order to get updated with regular happenings you need to develop habit of learning things. As a student have a structured approach of learning. Plan your activities and time and schedule the subjects which you need to learn and follow accordingly. Learning will be effective if you can practice following  - proper syllabus, good books, notes preparation, journal copies, time table, monitoring schedule, mock exams etc. Always remember, Learning and earning go hand in hand. There is earning in the word learning.

I – Intelligence

Professional exams are conducted to select smart and intelligent people. Intelligence here means, how effectively and efficiently you present your answers with in a stipulated time of 3 hours. Intelligence is something which erupts spontaneously; it shows how you respond to a given situation. Intelligence is one which you need to develop as an attitude and not as skill. You need to tune your mind, take up initiatives and responsibility, participate in events, interact with professional people, read books of successful people, join professional discussion forums on LinkedIn, Face book, Google groups etc. Always remember, Intelligent and smart  people always succeed in life what ever may come in life .  

I – Timeliness

Exam is all about testing your knowledge with a time frame. Time plays a major role. You need to follow and adhere to timelines as it don’t show mercy to any one. For student timeliness should be ensured at different stage – at time for preparation (when to start studying, what time to study, how may hours to study etc) and time of writing the exams ( how many questions and within what time to answer, what to attempt first and what last, time to read question paper, time to revise the answer paper after finishing etc). So have a time planner set and prepare according to it and one week before the exams test yourself by writing mock exams on your own. Always remember, all successful people also had 24 hours in a day and you too have the same. Time  lost or wasted will not come back again.

Y - You

Last alphabet which is You and it is very very important. Unless You have a determination and willingness to achieve something in life, you cannot clear the exams. You should set SMART goals in your life (SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound) in order to be successful. A man with out goal will end up in no mans land. As a student you need to have a clear cut goal (short term as well as large term) and according to which you need to aim to achieve it as early as possible. As a student your priority should be to clear exams and you should not yield to any other materialist pleasure until you clear the exams. Always remember, pleasure, comfortable and honorable life follows you after you become professionally qualified person.

So, my advice to student community is that as exams are round the corner, have confidence and face the exams with whole hearted efforts. Ensure that you present a good quality answer. Just like consumer gets satisfied when he gets a good quality product from the Suppliers even examiners also get satisfied when they see good quality answers from the students. Success is something which doesn’t come automatically; you need to put lot of efforts in order to taste it. You people can do it, only thing is that you need to have a will and mind set to do it. Practice and Adopt quality not only in exams but also in life you will definitely reach the destiny.


If you have some time, read my other articles for students at http://www.cmakaushik.blogspot.com/ for any help related to exams feel free to contact me at rk.rkaushik@gmail.com.

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CMA Raveendranath
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