Qualities of an Achiever

CMA Ramesh Krishnan , Last updated: 05 February 2011  

Introduction: In every one life achieving something is always awesome and involves several difficulties. Based on our capacity & talent we are trying to achieve our own target, but some of us only reaching the aimed target. While analyzing the reasons behind the achievement all the achiever has some kind of regular qualities. In this article I try to indicate those qualities which I observed from achievers.

1.      Planning: Achiever always have the clear plan for their activities and decisions. They have proper plans what & when need to be done, which is required at which time and what input is required. Planning is the basic quality for any achiever. So plan for anything


2.      Smart thinking: Smart thinking one of the important qualities, Smart thinking nothing but  thinking any work in a different manner from the others and also positive way.


3.      Hard working: Hard working in the sense, doing the work with proper, perfect manner and also fast finishing.  For this the above points planning & smart thinking is very much required.


4.      Practical approach: In any work achiever should have the practical approach. Sometimes comparing theoretical approach practical think is very useful to finish the work.


5.      Self confidence: In this world whatever we lose, we should not lose our self confidence. With self confident you can rescue whatever we lost earlier. Self confident is the essential need for any work.


6.      Self Motivation: Self motivation is one more important quality for achievers. In any work motivation is the basic tool for everyone. Motivation can be from outside also. But self motivation is the best from the others motivation.


7.      Learning attitude: No one is known everything in this world. So whatever we are doing the work whether small or big there should be something is there for learning. So achiever always seek to learn in any work


8.      Interest & involvement: Without your interest and involvement in any taken task will not be successful. For this we need to have concentration on the work then only the interest & involvement will come in nature.


9.      Strong in heart: Achiever should have strong in heart for facing anything. Even they need to be so strong while facing failure. They need to take in a manner like failure is temporary.


10.  Target the objective: Achiever always targets their objective. Until achieve the target they will not sit idle and also will not concentration on other works


11.  Correcting the mistakes: Achiever should not think always right themselves, they will always respect the others view and take what is good in that and use for their work also. Even wrong with themselves they will admit and correct themselves.


12.  Aiming high: Achievers thinking should be always high. A practical example In the examination all the students want to pass, but some students are want to pass with good marks or distinction. So achievers always don’t want to be low targets.


13.  Active: Last but not least, achiever should be always active; in any reason they will not be lazy and also keep others in active.



Conclusion: These above points are which I observed from many of achievers. Achievement will not come easily. For that we need to have much pain. In simple word “No pain No gain”. So develop these qualities for become an achiever.


CMA.Ramesh Krishnan


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CMA Ramesh Krishnan
(Cost & Management Accountant)
Category Career   Report

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