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Psychology behind the Interviews

CA Aayushi Gupta , Last updated: 02 March 2022  

"Tell me about yourself" is the first and foremost question asked in every interview. And I am like oh! Now I have to speak everything about myself. After giving a long introduction about myself, trying to be a little impressive, I take a pause and feel like I completed a task. Hence, it feels like a task that you try to do perfectly.

I was always fearful of job interviews. The questions of mind like what the interviewer will ask, what will I speak, and how should I present myself never let me sleep peacefully before the interview day. Moreover, our mind in this situation overthinks and decide the future outcomes. Before the interviewer judges us, we tend to fall in process of judging and reject ourselves more. 

Psychology behind the Interviews

Why does all this happen to us? Why do we feel so fearful before the interviews? And why feel nervous in Job interviews?

The answer to the above questions has a connection with the psychology of our mind. After giving so many interviews, I always try to think about what is wrong with me? Why am I feel so nervous and fearful thinking about the job interviews? Sometimes it seems like you are going for the big exam of your life, and your stomach feels all butterflies and anxieties that you can ever have.

It makes you think that What if I am unable to answer, what if I over speak, what if I become blank, and what will they think about me, What if I will not be able to clear the interview, and if not clear what my parents and friends will think about me that I am not capable enough.

These questions come to our minds when we feel that we will be judged in that situation for presenting ourselves. We tend to overthink when we give so much importance to anything in our life, people or situation. 

Take an example of real-life: when we like a person, we want them to like us too, and we make efforts to impress that person. At the same time, we also think of various questions like what that person will think about me if I speak like this, what I should do to impress that person, and we try to become so perfect so that the other person will not reject us. In that case, we make mistakes. Similarly, we try to present ourselves as the better candidate before the interviewer. In this act of perfection, we tend to make them feel our desperation. Instead, be confident in your capabilities and then act.


But the logic behind that is simple. Humans try to present themselves as perfect. Although in reality, no one is perfect. In that situation, the other person becomes uncomfortable because no one likes a sugar-coated person. The world chases originality where both calm and peace are a reflection of a good personality. Therefore, the only person who acts confidently and speaks honestly becomes the favorite candidate of the interviewers. 

It doesn't mean that the person rejected in the interview is not a suitable candidate or anything is wrong with that person. The point here is that depending upon the job types, are some requirements that the interviewer wants in the candidate. So no matter whatever you are showcasing your qualities, the interviewer is only concerned about the particular thing he wants in a candidate. Therefore, it becomes necessary to be prepared according to the job description for the technical interview and clear about your personal life for the HR round. 


You can never predict what the interviewer will ask. Also, you can never forecast what the person you like will like about you. Maybe you think that the others will like a particular thing about you, but sometimes that is not the perspective from that side. So do not worry about what they can ask. As no one can predict the nature of another person instantly and what they want in us, there is no point in overthinking. We can only make ourselves better. Hence, preparing ourselves for how we can handle everything that comes in our way rather is a necessity.

What is the conclusion? All in all, we have to be clear in ourselves and believe that we can do everything. Even if we are lacking in some of the areas, then we can improve. Also, even if we are rejected in an interview, it is not the end. If you observe, after every interview, you will find the better you. You will get to know something more about you every time, the more interview you give. 

"If you don't want to be judged, then stop judging yourself also"

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CA Aayushi Gupta
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