Professional role

G soni , Last updated: 04 October 2011  


The objective of this article is not to guide any professional about his responsibilities but to share some of my thoughts about the responsibilities as a professional. I was wondering during my earlier days of practice what exactly I should do? Some times I was busy in fling return, Some time busy in ticket booking, some times while co coordinating with other professionals on networking etc….So What is my Role?


As a professional we have to deal with variety of people and our roles / responsibilities are different at each levels. Broadly we can classify the levels as PACE

P = Partners / Professional brothers

A = Articles / Staff

C = Client

E = External Bodies / Individuals ( Regulator/ Bankers / Users of any reports) 


Our functions can be broadly defined as Planning – Training – Supervision – Relations Management and Knowledge management. Based on levels defined above functions can be.

P = Partners / Professional brothers

Strategic planning about the firm, Profitability planning, Policies of the firms- Ensuring good and team work among partners- Sharing /updating of knowledge among partners / Other professionals – Training on Few aspect if required.

A = Articles / Staff

Planning assignment – Training and Guiding the staff about specific assignment -   Supervision of executions – maintaining relations among various articles/ staff for healthy / Motivating environment – Sharing/Updating of knowledge among articles.   

C = Client

Planning Client priority – Planning client retention -  Training for client staff / client on any updates --- Supervision of the quality with respect to client satisfaction --  maintaining relations with clients, Developing repo ---  Sharing and updating the knowledge.     


E = External Bodies / Individuals ( Regulator/ Bankers / Users of any reports) 

Planning the statutory requirement involved in assignment – Training material for compliance – Supervision of statutory compliance during the assignment – Relations Management with important statutory authorities / Bankers –Knowledge sharing updating the statutory updates.

From all of above I find that key is knowledge sharing and updating. This was just a small attempt of sharing --- So keep sharing!

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G soni
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