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Professional reading - My Perspective

kartik , Last updated: 09 December 2013  

Before I begin, I would just like to mention that the reading I mention here is professional reading, not reading as a hobby. I think reading as a professional habit is now virtually non-existent amongst many of us. The reasons vary: from a sheer lack of interest to a relentless and almost obsessive emphasis on attaining a degree or a qualification. We all study: that is a pre-requisite for clearing an exam, but somewhere down the line, reading for pleasure and to attain knowledge has almost vanished. Indeed, once the exams are over, cleared with and the qualification obtained, one looks at the books with almost a triumphant glee and disdain as if to say, “thank goodness, you won’t be a part of my life now!”. That is logical: we would not be looking at the books again now that they have served their purpose. But does this have to apply to general reading as well? Subconsciously, more often than not, that’s what happens.

I believe what needs to be remembered is that if you desire to be a true professional, your job doesn’t end with clearing your exams, attaining a qualification and getting a job with a good pay. Constant on-the-job learning is a very essential part of it. There are various methods of such on-the-job learning, one of which is reading. You don’t necessarily have to read just for your work purpose; you can do it to increase your basic awareness as well. As I mentioned in one of my earlier articles, I am a keen student of human psychology. I have often observed 2 kinds of people in my life: the satisfied and the not so satisfied. The satisfied are those who are just happy to cross the line, do just about enough to get them through. The not so satisfied are those who have this immense curiosity and desire to know more and more. For such people, milestones never matter much; they neither overtly brood over failures nor celebrate excessively on their successes. For them, it’s all about moving forward and completing the next task. What I have also observed is that reading comes naturally to this second category of people. And it is no coincidence that reading plays a huge role in their handling of success and failure and their overall personality. This doesn’t mean that reading has to be restricted to them only. What I am keen to emphasize here is the paramount and often under-appreciated importance of reading.

The importance of knowledge in today’s world cannot be overstated. Reading serves as a window to this world. Yes, there are other methods too to gain knowledge but reading has its own pedestal. It makes you know about things that you never imagined possible, it broadens your horizons, it inculcates a sense of intellectuality and most importantly, it always, always helps. But what is very important to understand is that the benefits may accrue over a period of time and may well be intangible. So if you are looking for material results always, you may end up disappointed. Just treat it like an investment in a bank. The more you invest, the higher will be the returns.

I could have very well gone ahead and listed down all the benefits of this wonderful habit and preached about it till it puts you to sleep. But reading is something that has to come from within. It cannot be imposed upon anyone. That’s what makes it different from studying. What you read is entirely up to you.  Choose any good financial paper and get going. There are also tons of magazines and journals which may cater to your interest. If you have never been into reading before, it may be very difficult for you to begin and after beginning, to continue. But don’t give up. The benefits when you get them would be priceless.

You may belong to the first category of people mentioned above but it is never too late to make the jump to the second. If you are planning to do so, you can count upon reading as a faithful companion. And if you are happy in the first category, then too you can cultivate this habit. That’s the beauty of reading: it doesn’t take sides!

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