Preparation for CA exams from the Beginning

Manoj Khandelwal , Last updated: 29 October 2010  

Preparation For CA Exams From The Beginning

Friends as we know that CA exams are not child's play, so no one shall handle it lightly. You should plan your study as per your capacity to deal with different subjects. The subject you like very much can be studied first to start and those in which your past performance is not good should be studied deeply by understanding concepts. Here as per my personal experience and guidance of my seniours I am suggesting you how to start for CA exams.


When we register ourself with Institute, they provide us the most important thing and that is STUDY MATERIAL. So, whether you are opting classes or self study, start with MODULE. In study material basic concepts are explained beautifully and if your concepts are clear then it is assured that you can deal with any kind of problem. So, read MODULES thoroughly and don't ignore it, after completion of exam you will realise it's importance. You can refer reference books available in market as per your convinience. During first reading select important questions which covers maximum numbers of adjustments and make short notes which will be proved very helpful in exams.


After studying study material you should solve the COMPILATIONS of practical subjects. As compilations contain last year's exam problems, so you can know that what type of problems can be asked in exams. Reading compilation, means the first time revision is completed.


Now revise MODULES and reference books keeping time factor in your mind. During first revision you should clear all the doubts. After that take SUGGESTED question papers of last four or five years and solve in exam conditions. It is one of the best technique by which you can know how to use three hours at examination hall.


Update yourself, it is very necessary to take on exams. Read all the amendments made in tax, law, accounting and auditing standards. Refer to new case laws and amendments, as it is most possible that it can be asked in exams.


Take short notes and selected important question and revise. Don't take anything new at last as it can effect your plan. Be cool, keep your mind calm and leave rest on the God.



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Manoj Khandelwal
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