Positiveness - A way of life (Part II)

nitin suvarna , Last updated: 09 March 2012  

Hello friends, this is part 2 of my article “Positiveness – a way of life”. Life always test  us with some or the other thing, its just about  testing out  yourself  in the world but the thing is sometimes we feel uncomfortable or we are not ready for the same.

Yes I also felt the same during my childhood days, now after maturing I have understood that life is not made up of simple paths because one needs to rise up in life in Rabindranath Tagore’s words “Awake, Arise & Achieve." One needs to make efforts to achieve their  goals  in life. Sometimes we aren’t sure about what we are doing in life but the thing is you might be destined to do it. I always feel life is full of surprises, one cannot expect what is going to happen next. It also happened with me so many times in life. Infact my mom wished my brother to do C.A, but he didn’t want to do it due to some problems but whereas I was destined to do it so I took up this course but it was never in my mind of where I would go in future.

I remember those days where in school we(I & my brother)used to get rewards for our hardwork in the form of prizes, certificates. We used to cherish & also feel proud  for such rewards. Infact my brother got a scholarship from BPCL for about 4 years in those days where it was difficult for us to manage fees for our school. I feel hard for those students who aren’t lucky enough to get education since in today's context the rising cost of education  & inflation almost kills our wishes of basic amenities & would like to definitely do something for them. I also hope the govt & society understands  the same & some of you would also do some good deed since our society needs it. Whenever I think our country I see many problems which needs some kind of support from us so that we see a better tomorrow & save something for our future generations & I am very much positive about it, just the thing is we need to change ourselves & our mindset.

I have heard many people saying that “Sky is the limit” & yes it is upto us of what we choose to do in life & try to make ourselves capable in life. One should try to master one field definitely & also have knowledge & experience of others. Many of us are thinking of whether the world is going to come to an end on 21st dec 2012, for me this cannot be an end anyways because my life has just started & I am dreaming for my future with this professional degree &  before achieving my degree I am not leaving this world because it means shattering of my dreams  which I wont allow it to happen, since alongwith  my dreams it is the dream of many others.



Never lose faith in yourself, you can do anything in this universe.

I have to thank the CCI because of which I have felt so positive & confident, it has changed my life surely!

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nitin suvarna
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