Role of Parents in Career Planning of their Children

Prachi Bansal , Last updated: 09 April 2021  

Parents play a very important role in determining their children's career. As it is also said that all the actions taken by parents affect children which is very true in every situation. Choosing the right career path for your child is very important and taking equal part in their growth is also extremely important. But that does not mean that you start to impose your career decisions on the child or start to force your child to pursue a particular field.

The child should be given the freedom to choose whatever stream or career he might be comfortable in. These days children want to pursue careers in which their interest lies and these days any interest or any field  can be turned into a career. In the olden times there were very few careers and many parents wanted their children to pursue just those careers.

For example:- Doctor, Engineer, Businessman and so on. With the advancement in technology there has been an increase in the career prospects too. What might not seem to be a career now might just be one of the most needed jobs in the coming years. In this article we will be discussing some ways in which parents can support their children in choosing the right career path for themselves:-

Role of Parents in Career Planning of their Children

1. Scope in future

What might not seem like a career now doesn't mean cannot be a great career for the future. Parents have to start having an open-mind and letting their child flow with creativity. The increase in new careers is very normal these days which later becomes a very important career in the world of jobs. Forecasting the scope of a career is very important in today's day. Your research would maybe help you take out the pros and cons of a particular career.

For example:- Digital Marketing as a career. Who would have thought 10-15 years back that digital marketing would be such a big industry and would provide income to lakhs of people. Everything now is dependent on digital marketing and a huge income flows from this particular industry.

2. Considering the fees burden

Education is very expensive in this age and not every parent can afford the best education for their children. A parent should also keep in mind their own finances and their affordability towards a child's career. Child's career shouldn't come in the way of your daily essential needs of your life. Not every parent can afford to make their child do medical or MBA from a top-tier college. It costs a lot of money and cannot be afforded by certain parents.

The budget towards the courses and education of a child should be kept in mind before choosing a career for the child. It requires proper planning from the parents' end. For parents who cannot afford such expensive education can look for alternate career plans for their children or can invest in certain plans. There are various finance companies which offer great plans that will require you to invest a certain amount each month or year which can later be collected as a lump sum amount and used towards the child's education.


3. Interest

The interest of the child is the most important part in deciding their career for the long term. A child's interest can be in any area which may be sports, music, culinary arts, graphic designing, digital marketing, academics or so on. The primary goal to keep in mind always is to keep the child satisfied with whatever career he/she will pursue.

If a child chooses what he loves and has an interest in for his career then he will be able to stay motivated for even longer and have a better career in the long run. There are many universities providing many new courses and specializations so you must let your child explore whichever career path he likes. Parents must never put any kind of pressure on their child as it may not be beneficial in the long run.


4. Change in Interest

These days having a change in career is completely normal and there are many individuals who even after working for 7-8 years in a particular field may want to change their career to a completely different field. Parents must encourage their children in such times and give them motivation to pursue new things and interests.

Due to pressure in the early stage of life certain individuals choose a certain field but eventually lose interest in the field and plan on for a career shift. This is completely normal and must be encouraged highly by the parents.

5. Career Counselling

If parents cannot decide by themselves or help their children they must opt to seek external help for their children. They must take career counselling sessions for their children and actively participate in the process. A career counselor takes into consideration all factors and gives the best suggestion for a child. It proves to be very beneficial in the long term for both the child and the parent.

The parents always want their children to succeed and flourish in their career in the long-term. Sometimes the parents might not really understand what's best for their child and might take a wrong decision unknowingly. Both the parent and the child must come to a middle ground and make a decision which will be beneficial for the long run.To avoid such a situation the above given must be implemented.

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Prachi Bansal
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