Hi Friend?s after your huge appreciation and motivation for ma first article on ? Mindset to become a Chartered Accountant? ?here I?m with another article of mine on ?Overcoming the fear of Chartered Accountancy Exams and its Results?. Thanx a lot all of you for encouraging me to write more.
As you all know Chartered Accountancy exams are considered to be tough. But if u personally ask urself? u?ll say that it?s not impossible to clear it. I?m saying this with belief coz had it been impossible we would all not had joined this course. Isn?t it ? Our joining this course ensures that we all think we have it in us to clear the CA exams. So why is the fear for Chartered Accountancy Exams and the fear for Results ?? How to overcome the fear ? My article is specially focused on how to overcome the fear of exams and results. The results will out very soon so thought this is the appropriate time to write about this.
Some of the ways by which we can avoid the fear of Chartered Accountancy Exams and Results ?
????? The Mantra ? I will clear CA Exams ? Keep saying this to urself the mantra ?I will clear CA exams? . One of ma friend?s suggested to me after reading my previous article in his comment that ?I WILL? has a stronger force than ? I CAN? very true isn?t it ? Thanx a lot to him for his suggestion. so let us all say this Mantra within ourself ? I WILL CLEAR CA EXAMS? during our preparations and while heading towards the examination hall. This will imbibe positive energy in you. Having said that one should never be complacent and over- confident this mantra will just ensure flow of positive energy within us but has to be combined with tremendous amount of hard work. It?s only the hardwork with a positive attitude that will esnure one to qualify as a ? Chartered Accountant?. Mere hard work wid low self belief or mere attitude wid no hard work is going to land us no where. So guys be confident and keep saying this mantra to urself ? I?ll clear CA Exams? combined with absolute dedication and hardwork and see success coming ur way soon ensuring one becomes a ? Chartered Accountant? soon.
????? Announce urself -? The fear of exams is one of the reasons for the low performance of students in CA exams.? Just before the exam dates one starts feeling the anxiety and fear. Why is that so ?? The anxiety of exams is obvious in any exam but why the fear ?? Believe urself? once you are through with
????? Believe in
????? ?NOW? is the Right Time ? There are many students who have this question in their mind ? when is the appropriate time to study ? The answer is not 3 months back or one week after.The real time to start studying is ? NOW?. As one doesn?t have a time machine to go 3 months back and there is no point regretting loss of time and why wait for a week to start ? ?NOW? yes this is the right time to start. ?Earlier the Better? one need not waste any further time.
????? Have that urge to be called as a ?CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT? ? I have already mentioned this point in ma previous article but its worth mentioning here again. One should have that all urge to be called as a ? CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT? one day it will feel good. Jus imagine urself calling , after prefixing the word ? Chartered Accountant before
????? ?Tough times never last but tough people do? - We all are professionals so ups and downs in our life are inevitable be it personal or professional life . But always remember one thing ? After every fall there will be a rise again? have that faith within. One should know how to keep the spirits high even during tough times that?s possible only if u have a positive mindframe. Always remember that ? Tough times never last but tough people do?.
????? Accept Failure Enjoy Success ?- I have always believed that there is no substitute for hard work and that?s the only thing under our control. Things like difficulty level of paper, destiny, result are not to be bothered as its beyond ones control. Do the required hardwork u?ll create
In few days results will be out let us jus face it whatever result comes our way. One should learn from it whatever the situation is and let us all always ensure that we are working towards a bright future by making our present count.
Prasad R