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Opportunity for CA/CS which never existed before

Ramanuj Mukherjee , Last updated: 10 February 2022  

Despite high competition for jobs, or the pandemic, have the stock markets fallen? They have soared. The digital and tech part of the economy is growing even faster. E-commerce is booming.

Edtech, healthcare, biotech, online gaming, OTT platforms, agritech, insurance - booming like never before. Data science, automation, and crypto is growing even faster.

Is there no work for CAs and CS in all these burgeoning industries?

Do they not need CAs and CS? Of course they do!

The situation is grim for most CAs and CS, but it is also because they are not looking for opportunities in the right direction. They are buying into the narrative that there are no options.

They are not ready to do whatever it takes to identify, zero-in and then exploit the opportunities that are getting created due to tectonic shifts in the market. Most people are just waiting for the bad days to get over, somehow magically.

Great leaders and teachers throughout history have told us to look for opportunities where others only see difficulty. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" © Albert Einstein

Most of you know what remote work is. A lot of people did not think serious work can be done on work-from-home mode. They have changed their minds in the last one year after working from home themselves. Learning to work with remote workers is not easy. Most organisations had no idea earlier how they can work productively with remote workers, keep them engaged, protect data and privacy while people work remotely, or even track if people are working.

It is no more like that.

But this has created the opportunity to perform US-work for foreign clients, global startups, large corporations and professionals from your home, and earn as much as 3x - 10x of what you earn by performing local work.

Opportunity for CA/CS which never existed before

You can earn more from doing paralegal work in the US or UK remotely, as compared to what a CA or CS firm pays in India.

To learn how you can crack these opportunities Register for LawSikho's 3 day Bootcamp on International opportunities for Indian CA/CS in US Corporate Law: Click Here

But I am an Indian CA or CS. Why should I focus on the US market? How or why will I get work from there?

Something happened during the pandemic in 2020

  • Silicon Valley went remote. Entrepreneurs in the US and everywhere else were forced to learn to work remotely, hire remotely, and manage people remotely.
  • VCs discovered that they can do deals pretty well over Zoom. They can perform due diligence remotely. Their remote investments are doing better than local ones in fact. Law firm partners also had the same experience.
  • Lawyers in the US learned to work remotely. They have been closing deals virtually, dealing with their teams virtually, and despite getting out of their comfort zone, some of them grew their practice at a faster clip than before.
  • A lot of people in the industry have tasted the freedom of working virtually and they are loving it.
  • In the US, lots of founders and investors moved out to Florida, Texas, Utah, Idaho or elsewhere without missing out on the action. Lawyers also moved back to their hometowns to avoid risk of infection in big cities, and realised it's possible to work from anywhere, thanks to technology!
  • Ideas about hiring changed - they discovered that they can tap into a much larger and rich talent pool if they work remotely and can be more productive. Large companies also experienced similar benefits.

In 2022, working remotely is the craze - any growth-oriented organisation, whether it is a Silicon Valley startup, a large global corporation is eagerly tapping into the remote work trend.

That means some of the most life changing opportunities can be accessed remotely now.

Remote work opportunities are not restricted to tech jobs alone - but applicable to law, writing, accounting, customer service, translation, etc.

It's a game changer for Indians and other CAs and CSs from developing countries, because we have a massive cost advantage over the rest of the world.

As an India-qualified CA/CS or student you can jump into the remote version of Silicon Valley that exists on the internet today, without waiting in endless queues for visa requirements.

Why just Silicon Valley, you could work for startups or lawyers in London, Berlin, Dubai, Shanghai, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur or Tel Aviv.

Average CS salary in the US is 34125$. In India, if a CA or CS earns even USD 1000 per month, it will be considered pretty high. Same for Africa.

Legal advice, compliance services, litigation support, document review, contract management - a lot can be exported and done by people sitting in another country.

I want you to imagine a scenario. There is a startup in a Silicon Valley garage. It is going to be the next big thing. It gets into a premium accelerator. It's getting interest from investors. Raises a seed round. Investors are expecting them to run a tight ship, and hire a CA.


The CA will bill them at least USD 50,000 per year.

They also have an option of hiring an Indian paralegal (could be a CA, CS or lawyer, or student from India, it doesn't matter) to help them with a part of the work and drastically reduce that 50k bill to around 10k.

A US lawyer costs an arm and a leg, but you can hire someone at 1/10th the cost from another country where lawyers, CAs and CS are not as expensive, who knows US corporate work, can incorporate companies in the US, obtain important registrations, make business, corporate and tax filings.

Isn't all this impressive.

If you want to get a piece of this cake you have to start now, because in 5 years this market will be overcrowded.

Join our 3-days online bootcamp "International opportunities for Indian CA/CS in US Corporate Law" 12-14th February, 6-9pm IST, and we will explain to you how you can start working remotely with foreign companies and earn in dollars this year.

Register Now: Click Here

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Published by

Ramanuj Mukherjee
(CEO & C0-Founder - LawSikho)
Category Professional Resource   Report

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