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On the way to Pinnacle(CA)

CA S.SAIRAM , Last updated: 18 January 2011  

Pinnacle is the handy term to symbolise the peak moments of our life, be it happiness or melancholy. Literally that we know, a pinnacle is a structure with a pointed top and one cannot manage hanging there at the top edge for hardly even a minute or half. We can also refer this to saturation to mean there is nothing left in the being. Saturation has two follow ups, one being the aftermath of frustration and the other being the virtue of renounciation.
While on our journey to the top our life would ideally seem like a 'Dow Jones' Average which is believed to be the parameter of a stock market functioning. In simple words; a rise followed by a fall further followed by a steeper rise than before and this is the pattern throughout. Remember this kid who enjoys and laughs out even while sliding down on the slides in the playground. But surprising indeed that the same kid does not emote anything while climbing up those slides. Perhaps he knows that the real joy is only on downsliding and thats why he wants to climb up. What a magnificient being is he! As William Wordsworth imagines, child is the father of man and it is not surprising that this could have been our own impromptu from the above situation as well. At the same time if the kid does not control its speed a little bit in the process it lands with a thud only to go with fractured limbs. Responsible human beings like us should learn to control our emotions or else disaster awaits.
Sometimes it seems funny to say that arising upto the pinnacle is not desirable if one does not have the wherewithal to cope up with the next phase. But in reality, can all the persons with abnormal blood pressure levels be allowed to travel upto Amarnath in the Himalayas? This is where a self introspection becomes extremely important. Tactically it would be prudent if we can postpone the arrival at cliff to the later half of our life so that we don't need to survive the downslide mentally as well as bodily for a long time, given the bubble span. Here is the rude practicality for ungrounded people ; conduct your own SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, Threat ) analysis and get contended with your boundaries. The experiences in our lives have already been orchestrated to bring out the appropriate result and no tweaking is at our discretion. CA is the only course where completion matters more than a lucrative score at 24 (just for rhyme) and the market welcomes us across the board with warmth. This is no means to complacency but consolation.
Imagine the path to the pinnacle to be a marvellously smooth but a slippery ramp, we would only find ourselves back to square one with no possible rests midway. On the contrary if it is a staircase we can confidently relax and take breath for some time. A staircase is a better comparable to the 'Dow Jones' fashion assimilated above. Intermittent resting is essential or else......The journey to the top should be accompanied by intense concentration. One cannot afford to watch either sympathetically or sarcastically at those downstairs or even frown at miscreants, else the grave will pull us back. What is viewable is these steps and their beauty. Similarly, on our way to the pinnacle of CA, it is mandatory to not let our eyes off the path visible before us and relish all our own lively experiences and not of others.
Power should be acquired by virtue of knowledge and not ostensibly through designations alone. No one has the guts to deny that 'Knowledge is Wealth and Wealth leads to Power'. The real focus of living should be to acquire abundant knowledge and master ourselves as well as the mankind and nothing will add more pleasure than this. CA poses a library for us and we should take time off (reasonably) to turn the pages and learn the life.
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