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Learn Decision Making from NSA Ajit Doval

Karan Khatri , Last updated: 11 September 2023  

During this time of Pandemic and Economic Crisis, we are in a position where we need to take important decisions. Many times people fail to make tough decisions or make wrong decisions. For our rescue, we have our National Security Advisor Ajit Doval,

On 27th March 2019, National Security Advisor (NSA) of India Ajit Doval gave an interview on Lok Sabha TV, Talking Time Show. Ajit Doval discussed on decision making.

NSA Ajit Doval on Decision Making

Everyone in their life has their own objectives and goals. On this whole path, one needs to make a decision. Every CA student and a CA professional has to take a decision in their life. And this tips by NSA Ajit Doval will be very useful for every one of us.

National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Kumar Doval is the 5th NSA of India. Ajit Doval Served as director of Intelligence Bureau (IB) in 2004-05. Two major surgical strikes were conducted under his supervision.

  1. Indian Line of Control Strike in 2016 and
  2. Balakot Air Strike 2019.

Ajit Doval joined the IPS in 1968 in the Kerala Cadre. He retired in January 2005 as Director of IB. Ajit Doval founded the Vivekananda International Foundation in 2009. He was appointed as NSA on May 30, 2014.

Key Highlights of the Interview on Decision Making

  • There is always anxiety while taking major decisions
  • One needs to work out the worst possible scenario while taking a decision
  • After working out the worst possible scenario, you try to improve on that
  • Articulate the fear in specific words and you will find the fear is not very big
  • Fear can reduce with preparation and better knowledge
  • Fear can reduce with understanding & hard work
  • For vital decisions, one must have a contingency plan
  • One needs to have clarity of objectives while taking tough decisions
  • Objectivity suffers when decisions taken in anger
  • Fear can also not make decision abjective
  • Personal Interest to be kept aside while making decisions
  • Search options to achieve objectives
  • Tough decisions do not need may options
  • Experience and Knowledge creates these options
  • Each option has a cost
  • What suits you best is the best option
  • The wrong option chosen leads to wrong decisions
  • After selecting an option, start preparing for it
  • Take a decision and work on it
  • Concentrate more on action than keep on changing the decisions.
  • A Decision is proven right or wrong only after the event is over

Other Highlights and Quotes by Ajit Doval are:

  • Gods each creation is unique and therefore no 2 individuals can be identical
  • Take your own risk
  • Every second of your life is the first second of the rest of your life
  • Every day in your life is the first day of the life that is left
  • Be fast to do it or quit
  • You are responsible whatever you do
  • We are entering the 4th Generation of warfare, where the warfare is against an invisible enemy
  • Today's youth is well informed and highly motivated

Last but not the least, Ajit Doval Says:

Identify your identity with your Nation.

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Karan Khatri
Category Career   Report

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