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Not Studying Because of Some Problem?

CA Aditya Shah , Last updated: 25 October 2016  

This one’s partly from my own experience. And partly from the experiences of my friends.

Open your Book and Start Studying. It’s that simple!

But wait. Maybe you are busy texting, or stuck up with some thought/emotion. You are doing something else that is more important. That’s right. You’ve forgotten to prioritize. You’ve forgotten to make things work the way you want them to work.

And what’s even worse is sometimes you want the situation to make it happen for you. You want something to happen that sets everything correctly. But you yourself are not going to do it.


Ever find yourself in a situation you do not feel fulfilled and lack contentment? Yes you’ve forgotten what was important to you and have got messed up in what the world says and expects you to be.

So how do you go about it. Lifting up yourself from bad situations & Improving the quality of life. Trust me. It’s real easy.

Here’s a small checklist. You could pick up points relevant for you.

Criticism can be negative or constructive. But sometimes a human mind fails to differentiate. Because there will always be people who will disbelieve your ideas. Mark you negative about your attitude or your personality. There’s will always be people unhappy with what you are trying to achieve. Trying to win those people would only help you lose your own self worth. As you progress in life there will always be leg pullers. But you should know, people who keep commenting will keep commenting and people who act will keep achieving. 

Attitude: It is very important in life to have a positive attitude. People with attitude don’t wait for opportunities. They create their own opportunities. Trust me, each & every one of us dreams big. But not everybody makes it big. Because attitude is the difference maker. Having a good attitude is not a one day story. It's a journey. And a journey of a thousand miles, always starts with a single step. 

Be Ever-Active: Consider a situation where you tell someone in your family to do a small piece of work for you. He’s doing Nothing but he still says a No. So you tell this to someone else in the same family who does this in a minute and quickly gets back to what he’s doing. Whom will you be happier with? Ever-active people are always energized by new challenges. It intrigues them. Not only are they impressive, they are achievers. Do not wait time considering you should do small things or not. Do it and get back to work.

How to Prioritize?

Step 1: Identify a method of prioritizing:

There are many good ways to identify and assess your priorities. I use the ABC Checklist method of prioritizing. Grouping my priorities as A, B & C Categories according to their importance & nature. Suppose something I feel is routine so i put it in B Category, something that’s not come up yet but maybe in the next month, I'll put it in the C category. An important deadline within the next two days, is Category A. So that I make sure that I do not lose out on my priorities. I wake up in the morning determined with a positive energy, ready to smack down on my list.

Step 2: Act on your priorities:

Once you’ve identified your priorities. You’ve come a mile ahead of others. But the next and really important step is to act on it. Daily & consistently. Because everyday we have new priorities. New targets.

And you can make your list work the way you want it to.

Trying to remember your priorities in this Tech Age is not always the best idea. Write them Down. But once you start acting on your priorities, you eventually develop a mechanism to remember them.

How to Keep the Belief Factor intact?

Always review yourself. Do take some time to reflect back on your previous accomplishments. If you have been successful in the past but not today, remember it was you who had once achieved success. You are the same person only with a different set of beliefs and varied experience that you gathered along the way. Only the situation has changed. And that is why they say, consistency is important in life. Correct yourself. Today. Start achieving your goals daily. It adds up. And helps you achieve your long term goal.

Remember, a negative mind can only bring in rejection & disapproval. While a positive one not only brings acceptance but spreads happiness in the lives of others as well.

When you do something, do it with all your heart and make sure it is right. It will definitely fall in the right place. 

Remember, the world can make you feel in a bad way. The world can make you feel in a good way. Not everyone is surrounded by good people. But what ultimately matters is what's your take from the situation & people.

Relax your mind as much as possible. Do not overburden it with stress, thoughts & hanging about in priorities. Correct your attitude. And then try to study. Remember we used to do this as children. While we used to study, we weren't concerned with so many other things. That’s exactly what you need to do today.

Be in touch with good people. Who motivate you. Encourage you. Who make you see problems as opportunities.
Whenever you think about acting on something, Do not wait for someone. It's you who needs to do it.

Do make your Development a priority.

"There's no Substitute to Hard work. Always be humble & Hungry." Dwayne Jhonson
“And I only allow myself to feel emotions for an hour every 29th February. So it’s a little late for me to feel anything now.” Raghuram Rajan.

Thanking you.
The Author is a CA Final Student currently in Final year of St Xavier’s College, Kolkata.

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CA Aditya Shah
(Chartered Accountant, Entrepreneur, Ex Ernst & Young)
Category Students   Report

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