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Nishtha Bothra, AIR-2, CA Inter, May 2022 in an Exclusive Conversation with CAclubindia

CCI Team , Last updated: 25 July 2022  

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) released the CA Intermediate May Examination 2022 results on Thursday, July 21. Nishtha Bothra became AIR-2 with an amazing score of 658 out of 800, making upto 82.25%. CAclubindia congratulates her and wishes for a wonderful career in the field of Chartered Accountancy.

How is the feeling of being an All-India 2nd topper and were you really expecting a rank?

I was expecting a rank but not in the top 3, not a single-digit rank. But now, this feeling is amazing, seeing all the people around me so happy and proud of me. It's amazing and can't be expressed in words.

Nishtha Bothra, AIR-2, CA Inter, May 2022 in an Exclusive Conversation with CAclubindia

How did your parents react to such a phenomenon achievement?

Everyone around me were crying - my sister, my mom - they were hugging each other and crying. It was literally, a very emotional moment for all of us. I was feeling very proud of myself that I could make them so proud.

What was the first thing that you did when you saw your results on the screen?

I did not check my result for the first one and a half hour. I was constantly on the call. Actually, it was a very funny experience. I was in the washroom and everyone outside was screaming that I had secured AIR-2 and I was not expecting it at all. Later when the President called me up to congratulate me on my result, it was then that I could actually believe it. Then, later I checked my result on my laptop and yes, I felt overjoyed and this feeling is yet to sink in.

We would like to know about your role model who has inspired you so far, in this incredible journey of your intermediate examination?

What motivates me is intrinsic. I was just focusing on doing my best so the fear of regret was very motivating for me and it was not letting me procrastinate or relax – constantly make the best use of the time – study whole-heartedly or else after one year, when the results come out, you are gonna regret it. That was something which was motivating for me.

Also, there were times when I felt low and I used to talk to my parents, family members, friends, especially my teachers who constantly motivated me throughout this journey.

They knew my capability, but they always said one thing that I didn’t believe in myself. I used to get very scared and anxious – they told me not to get stressed much; I am doing my best and be satisfied by the end of the day. They were constantly motivating me so that was my source of inspiration.

Was there any strategy that you followed throughout the preparation for the intermediate exams? Could you please highlight them?

The initial months I was focused not just on the classes but I had a strategy that till 5 PM or 6 PM, I used to do the classes and after that was my self-study time so either I would revise what I have done in the class or I would do some homework like practical subject or if a particular chapter has been completed in my tuition, I would just go through the RTP/MTP question paper and what I did was sticking to the ICAI material especially for the theory subjects and I made it a point that for all the subjects - once I have to go through the ICAI material and just go through all the examples, illustrations and back questions.

I think many students don't follow ICAI material but that is very helpful. Many questions were from inside the ICAI material in a particular illustration or that which I knew that many students would not have studied but from exam point of view, I made it a point and I used to just mark what I have to go through the day before exam like we get only 1.5 days. So, during my preparation only I used to narrow down the list that first revision - I have to do this much and then second revision, I narrowed it down and then I used to just mark the question so that in those 1.5 days, I could revise the entire chapter, entire subject in a productive manner.


So, was this your instinct or somebody guided you for this or gave you this tip?

My teachers obviously. Even they had put in a lot of effort. They used to mark the questions that you have to know, second time revise it or solve it by hand and what I did that - whenever I used to solve the question - either the entire question or the particular adjustments like in a big question; it is very time consuming if we do the entire question again like it takes 15-20 minutes. So, I used to mark the adjustment that was a bit difficult and for particular subjects like Taxation, what I did was; my friend suggested me that whatever adjustment or whatever provision, I’m not able to crack or I’m not able to solve or I did it in the wrong manner, I used to solve it first. Then, I used to check my answers. Whatever adjustment went wrong, I wrote it under the different chapters in a separate copy which I had maintained - like for example under PGBP I was not able to identify this provision or this adjustment time because there are many hidden adjustments.

So, for each chapter, I had this. Initially, I started with Tax and then for all the practical subjects, I did that and then it was very helpful the day before exams that I could realize that these are the mistakes I had done and I should not repeat it in the exam. So, whenever I saw the question, it clicked me that I have to do this and I used to write it on the question paper. So, that literally worked for me.

Do you have any solid hobbies? How did you manage your time pursuing your hobbies as well as preparing for the exams?

I used to listen music or spend time with my family. I was not focused on my phone or Social Media. During the initial days, I had de-activated it. I didn't have any particular hobby but after studying for (say) 2-3 hours, I used to take a 15-20 minutes break where either I used to go on the terrace or call someone or listen to music or talk to my parents, siblings or family members.

Wow, so what was your schedule?

It started from 5 AM to 10 PM. So, from 5 AM to 8 AM, I had one class and then for one hour, I used to take a break, have my breakfast and used to get ready. From around 9 AM to 11 AM, I devoted my time for self-study; whatever I wanted to do at that point of time.

Then, from 11 AM to 1:30 PM, I had one class, from 2:30 PM to 5 PM, I had another class so per day I used to do three classes and then after 5 PM, after the classes were over, I used to take a break and then around 5:30 PM or 6 PM, I used to do my self-study - either practice or read something or go through the ICAI material.

So, were you an early sleeper?

Yes, early sleeper and early bird (smiles)!

How long did you really pursue this kind of schedule?

I was done with my classes in August. Till August, I followed this schedule and then after that, not 5 AM but around 6 AM or 6:30 AM, I used to wake up for self-study. The maximum break, I took was for one hour and then, I was always with the books. Whenever I didn't feel like studying, I used to pick my favorite subject like Accounts and just write or practice it or solve question papers.

So, you had been following this schedule for 8 months?

Not 8 months. Basically, I was about to give the exams on December 21 but after November 15, I was not doing well and hence could not appear for the exams. My health was not good during December and January and I was not in a position to study and I was also a bit procrastinating that I have time and was done with all my classes. I had given the mock test also till Nov 21. Eventually, I got better and then from February till May 15, I got involved completely in studies, focused consistently just with the books.

At times, many students experience dejection and get under a lot of pressure on a day when one of the exam papers doesn't go well. Anything that you would like to share on such an experience?

Actually, I was never satisfied with any of my papers. I was like I could have done better. As soon as I got out of the exam hall, I used to call two of my teachers and I used to talk to them and they really motivated me and they told me that if you are thinking that you have not done good, cover the marks which you did not appear for or which you are expecting you could have got like for 5 or 10 marks - you have to cover it in next subject.


So, I was never really into sulking that my paper was not good for 15-20 minutes till I reached home. I was thinking about it but then I was back to the next subject because I just had 1.5 days and these 1.5 days would decide my entire one-and-a-half year journey. So, I really did not want to waste it or just sulk into it and cry that my paper was not good.

This reminds me of a very good excerpt from Gita. It says that you should just focus on your work and don’t expect the result or outcome of it!

Yes, just focus and work on it's process.

So, now that you are into the league of seizing CA Finals, what is your thought process and path forward?

I would continue with what I have been doing. Obviously, I have my articleship but I do not want to waste the initial months which everyone you know after 3-4 months they start with the classes. I don't want to waste that. I was planning that till August, I'll start with one of the subjects initially and then I'll go with it and make it a point that I have to study every day, each day for at least 2-3 hours or whatever I get so that I do not get stressed and just focus on my studies. I don’t want this rank to get into my head and you know being overconfident, I don’t want to do that. I just want to continue doing what I have been doing.

Any message which you have for the other students or your peers?

I would request everyone to just go through the ICAI material once. It will be very useful for you. It will get you a good extra 10-15 marks. Mark the questions and make summaries for the subjects which you find difficult. If you write it in your own words, in short sentences or in a way that you can understand in the 1.5 days, that would really make it better.

Any particular topics that you would really want them to focus on or if you have followed any trend of the past?

No, I did not study on a selective basis. I completed my 100% syllabus. In the process of prioritizing or analyzing the past year question paper, we waste so much time. So, it would be better if we solve that paper.

Don't focus on the past and just focus on solving the questions. Go through the questions but don't expect that if this trend is being followed, then this will only happen and if this question came in this term, then it will not come in the next term. I did not believe in that!

So, there's no pattern that you really followed?

Yes, no pattern. I used to focus on the topics which my teachers suggested are more important but I made it a point to cover my full syllabus and not just study on a selective basis.

So, whom do you really dedicate this achievement to?

Obviously, my mom. She is a single mother. But, more than that, I would like to dedicate my success to my chacha and chachi. They believed in me and I was with them only when I was giving the exams. So, I gave the exam from Kolkata. I had my college there. So, yes my chachi was with me for a good amount of time and she literally played the role of my mother and I am her daughter only. So, her hard work is reflected in my success what she has done for me and obviously my chacha also is my father now. And obviously, all the teachers who have put in so much hard work and we're constantly one call away when I had to solve my doubts or whenever I used to feel low, to make it a point that the next day, I make it productive and I don't just sulk.

Wow! Any close friends that you really have who are really very proud of you?

Yes, I'm very blessed to have some amazing friends but the friends were pursuing CA. They have been such a source of motivation because they had already appeared for the Inter exam. So, they knew what I am going through and they knew my capabilities. So, whenever I felt low, they were just one call away and I used to call them and they used to motivate me that every student has gone through this phase and we had the two-month gap which I had in December and January. It was very difficult to go back on the track from February. So, yes, my friends supported me a lot during this time!

Any tip on that when you get something as a setback, how do you bounce back?

My thought process was that I had already wasted two months and now exams are just three months away and my college was also re-opening. So, I knew that for 4-5 hours, I had to attend my college. I was thinking that I can't expect myself to study for 10-12 hours straight after this 2-month gap like I used to study earlier.

So, initially, I started with small steps like 3/4/5 hours and the first thing was that I had to motivate myself because I was so demotivated that I had wasted my two months. I talked to people around me who were very positive and was in constant touch with my teachers, my friends or my family members and they used to motivate me and their support brought in all the positive energy within me. So, that really helped to overcome this setback and bounce myself back on the track!

It was great talking to you and I believe that this will definitely inspire the other students to prepare efficiently and excel in their exams. Thank you very much for joining in. Have a wonderful day and successful future endeavours.

Thank you so much!

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