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NFRA Flags Lapses in Walker Chandiok Audit Practices, Raising Concerns for Grant Thornton Network

CA Aman Rajput , Last updated: 01 January 2024  

A recent inspection report by the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) of India has thrown the spotlight on audit firm Walker Chandiok & Co LLP (WCCL), a member firm of the global Grant Thornton network. The report, released in December 2023, unearthed several worrying lapses in WCCL's practices, prompting questions about the firm's adherence to regulations and potentially casting a shadow over the wider Grant Thornton network.

Key findings of the NFRA report

  • Inadequate Documentation and Data Storage: NFRA identified a critical lack of integration between WCCL's electronic and paper files, raising concerns about the accessibility and completeness of audit documentation. This raises questions about transparency and the potential for missing information to jeopardize audit quality.
  • Breach of Non-Audit Service Restrictions: The report specifically identified instances where WCCL provided valuation services to its audit clients, a practice explicitly prohibited under the Companies Act, 2013. This raises concerns about conflicts of interest and the potential for undue influence on financial statements.
  • Weaknesses in Independence Procedures: NFRA found inadequacies in WCCL's documentation of its procedures for ensuring independence from its audit clients. This is a crucial aspect of ethical auditing practice, and its neglect raises serious doubts about the firm's commitment to maintaining objectivity.
NFRA Flags Lapses in Walker Chandiok Audit Practices, Raising Concerns for Grant Thornton Network

Potential Implications for Grant Thornton

While the report focuses on WCCL, its association with the Grant Thornton network casts a wider shadow. The existence of close links between WCCL and other network entities, such as Grant Thornton Bharat LLP (GTBL) and Grant Thornton Advisory Private Ltd (GTAPL), raises concerns about potential spillover effects of the identified lapses and possible conflicts of interest across the network.


Reactions and Next Steps

The report has elicited mixed reactions from the Indian accounting and auditing community. Some have called for strong action against WCCL, emphasizing the need to uphold the integrity of the financial reporting system. Others have urged caution, highlighting the importance of due process and a fair resolution for the firm.

The future course of action remains uncertain. WCCL has the opportunity to respond to the findings and implement corrective measures. However, depending on the severity of the identified lapses and the firm's response, NFRA could potentially impose various sanctions, ranging from fines to license suspension.



The NFRA report on WCCL serves as a stark reminder of the importance of robust audit practices and strict adherence to ethical and regulatory standards. While the case's final outcome is yet to be determined, it undoubtedly raises concerns about the quality of WCCL's work and potentially casts a shadow on the reputation of the broader Grant Thornton network. The coming months will see how WCCL and the network respond to these concerns and work towards restoring trust in their auditing practices.

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Published by

CA Aman Rajput
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Others   Report



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