New Service Tax Provisions for Builders

M B Abhyankar , Last updated: 07 September 2020  

Introduction The issue of the imposition of service tax on construction and sale of residential property has long been a matter of concern for the real estate and construction industry as well as for buyers of such residential property. It has gained much prominence after Budget 2010 because

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M B Abhyankar
Category Service Tax   Report

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21 October 2011 Dayamay

Hi, I have booked a flat in Kolkata in Jan 2010. My flat cost including garage is around 23 lakhs. Possibly, the CC has been issued in August 2011 month. Now, immediate before the registration the developer/promoter has asked me to pay around 80,000 INR extra for the purpose of service tax which is according to him has been paid to the government for complete building. I have a little doubt on whether this service tax is supposed to be paid by me or it is entirely by the developer/promoter. Some sources say this tax has to be paid by the developer/promoter only and the customer or the buyer is not liable to pay this kind of service tax. Please, let me know if I am suppose to pay this service tax to my promoter/developer. Please, reply me. I am waiting for your response. Thanks Dayamay

07 October 2010 Juhi

Secondly While doing registration what category we should enter - shall just service provider do or we need to add something more.. Kindly guide ...

07 October 2010 Juhi

In cont to the question The issue is how to communicate to dept about our running site since AO may reach our site and raise question that site is not a registered premises.

07 October 2010 Juhi

Dear Sir, In case of a construction company which has 2 -3 sites, can we have centralized registration (the company has opted for abatement of 75% - So no input credit will be available).

07 October 2010 Juhi

Dear Sir, In case of a construction company which has 2 -3 sites, can we have centralized registration (the company has opted for abatement of 75% - So no input credit will be available).

21 July 2010 sandeep kashyap

actually what happend , we are into lease agreement,we have taken our office on 1st april 2009, and landload did not charge any service tax on that, but now he is asking for service tax on all payment we made to him in FY 2009-10 and 2010-11.

12 July 2010 CA Nilesh Shukla

2. Whether society is liable to pay service Tax on the flat developed for its member?

12 July 2010 CA Nilesh Shukla

Sir 1.I booked a flat and made a payment of 65% upto 30.06.2010 now The remaining payment 35% I am going to pay after receiving COMPLETION CERTIFICATE so whether I have to pay any service tax

10 July 2010 shailaish garg

thanks sir for provide us such kind of data

08 July 2010 Nityanand

Sir, I have a doubt regarding the application of service tax liability for construction on own land. i.e Suppose I own a land(ancestral/self acquired) and I decide to construct an apartment and sell it, will service tax be liable.? Kindly clarify.

08 July 2010 reshma

thanks sir, it was really helpfull... i see my career in service tax field... i request u sir u give me guidence... where to start.. Thanks Reshma kochar

07 July 2010 CA Rohit Gupta

great sir, It was really knowledgeable

07 July 2010 nirupama

Dear Sir, I have a doubt about the apartment construction, when the number of flats are 11, whether this service tax applies, please clarify

06 July 2010 Amit Shah

When a builder is liabble for services tax, is he will also be liabile to local VAT

06 July 2010 Amit Shah

Really a good article. As per my knowledge, abatement will not be offerred for new services i.e. preferential location etc. Am I correct?

06 July 2010 Shalini Nayyar

really helpful.. thank you sir

05 July 2010 ravi.

thank you very much sir.. very useful article..

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