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Never give up in Life

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 14 September 2020  

"How did it happen?" I asked my 75 years old who had lost his leg.

"I was working as helper in XYZ company, when I lost my leg due to drilling machine", he replied.

I kept mum.

"Its good that I lost this leg" he smiled.

"How can you say that? What's good about losing a leg" I asked astonishingly.

"You see, today I am the owner of three companies, my turnover is more than 100 crore, I have got 5 cars, but had I not lost the leg, maximum that would have happened is that I would have retired as a Mistri. They threw me out after this accident by giving some compensation. I had become useless for them but my journey upwards started after that. If after losing a leg, my family is very well settled, I am living this kind of life than that's not a bad deal" He smiled.

"Only those who keep looking for opportunities can make use of such deals, but most of us get busy cursing the life after such accidents" I replied.

"I am a matric pass. I would have left begging on the streets had I not thought more about restarting my life in a better way. Those who use to call me langda, now call me Sir. God has been kind." he laughed.

Never give up in Life

Life is about the choices we make and the opportunities we miss and take. One person looks at the glass half empty while the other looks at it as half full.

How often we meet people who change our perception about life.

Imagine a metric qualified man in his mid 40s who has a family to feed, left jobless after loosing a leg. This man out of nowhere created an empire from the debris. His thoughts and wisdom changed his life completely. Even God help those who help themselves.

How often we face situations where everything seems dark, where a monstrous challenge awaits us.

Another story of mountaineer "Arunima Sinha" comes to my mind who after loosing her leg conquered Mt. Everest. She was pushed out of a running train by thieves. She didnt let the pain damage her will-power.

These kind of people are the real heroes who inspire each and every person who comes across their story.


Nothing in this world is impossible if you decide to do what you want to do. Beginning is always the toughest part.


When you decide on to something then stick to it, no matter what the challenges come. Success cant be built over night. It took 20 years to built a Taj Mahal.

So never ever give up in life.

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CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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