My Journey upto IPCC

Abhinandan , Last updated: 11 August 2012  

Hi everyone my name is Abhinandan, and today I passed IPCC first group with 204 marks and completed IPCC. I was eager to tell my story to everyone and had decided, once I will clear then I would share my journey of CA upto IPCC.

I am basically from Jharkhand, did my schooling from a Hindi medium school St John’s Ranchi. I was very much interested towards cricket from a very young age and was an active cricket player. When I was 15 years old I was privileged to play u-15 probable’s for Jharkhand and I was lucky enough to share some time and watch closely a dynamic and attacking player of those days of Jharkhand who is the captain of present Indian Cricket Team M S Dhoni, he was senior to us. Since he was a very attacking player so we used to take interest to see his batting but not too much as he was also a senior player like any other player, those days we had never imagined that the same player would achieve this height of success and will become a celebrity of India.

I took break for few days from my cricket and started studying as my 10th  exam was coming. After writing my 10th examination I came to Bangalore because one of my brother was working in Bangalore and we had constructed a house also there so he asked me to come and stay there as both of us knew that scope of cricket is more in Bangalore compared to Ranchi. After coming to Bangalore I took admission in a famous cricket academy of Bangalore named Karnataka Institute Of Cricket where I made many friends among those friends one of them was Manish Pandey (the first Indian to score century in IPL). Meanwhile my results of 10th came and I passed my 10 with first class. As I was very much interested in cricket and was working hard for that so I decided that I would take commerce, as science would have been tough for me to continue with cricket so finally I took admission in BEL College Bangalore in commerce. I was eager to make career in cricket so was least bothered about studies.

After two years of effort finally under 17 cricket selections came which was my target. I appeared in the selections but could not get selected as things are not as transparent in the ground as it looks in tv. I found that in selection there were some big shorts who got selected even though they were not deserving. I was disheartened and discouraged as my effort brought nothing to me, finally I took a very painful decision to drop cricket as career. After that my 12th exam came and I passed that exam with 82% marks. Since I was also an active cricket player and was giving lots of time towards cricket so people appreciated a lot for my percentage.

82% marks was good as everybody said and it gave me courage to do something good in my studies also. Since I had already dropped cricket as career so I decided to take up CA and registered for CPT. Here the journey of CA starts for a guy who never took studies seriously. Now the question arise how I got 82% marks in 12th or puc  and the fact is puc was very very easy compare to CA-CPT. Since I had got good marks in puc I thought I will clear CPT also with same attitude of ignorance towards studies. I wrote first CPT exam got 77 marks and failed, again wrote and got 80, then again wrote got 95 and finally I cleared CPT in june 2008 with 108 marks in four attempts during my 2nd year of BCom. Now the attitude of ignorance had improved a slight and I had realised that for ca one has to study well.

I became captain of my college cricket team in July 2008 during the last year of BCOM. As per rule of CA I was required to register for IPCC and continue with article ship but I thought i have become captain of my college team and this is a last opportunity to carry my interest of cricket so I did not register for IPCC and waited then I heard IPCC scheme has come then I registered for IPCC in Jan 2009 as in this scheme one need not go for articleship initially.

As earlier mentioned the attitude of ignorance was always there, even in IPCC . After completion of BCom my cricket got over completely I appeared in Nov 09 IPCC with nil preparation failed got 94.

After that I left Bangalore and came to Bhubaneswar, where my second bro (who is my best friend) was doing engineering, as I thought in Bhubaneswar no cricket, no one knows me, no friends nothing so if I prepare I will be able to clear my exam but there something even more exciting interesting and painful thing happened.

In Bhubaneswar I was staying in a room and from the window of the room one can see the roof of some houses which was located on the other side of the road. And among these houses one was girls hostel for 2nd year of an engineering college and I was able to see these hostel girls coming there and doing their work, chit chatting and all that. Initially I never took interest towards them as I used to think I am elder to them as they are still in 2nd year and I have completed my BCOM. But one day I saw a very pretty girl was talking in mobile, she talked for a while and then she went inside. Thereafter I used to see her whenever she used to come on the roof but she was not aware of that. One day I think she realised that this guy sees me whenever I come out and then she started coming every day evening on her roof after the college and I used to turn my chair and used to stare at her like a shameless fellow J. Initially it was just fun but gradually feeling started developing and I was very much eager to know about her like her name and all the details about her. I was very honest in this as I only used to see her, no other girl and when she used to go from roof I used to close my window. My brother was in 4th year and he was senior to her. One day I told him about these all, at first he said me that you have come to study here and what the hell you are doing, I said him don’t worry I am studying it is just a time pass. At last he agreed to enquire about her and after some days he told me her name. After knowing her name the first thing I did is that i searched her name in orkut and I got and sent her friend request no delay at all  because I wanted to communicate with her. After few days I saw that friend request was rejected but her appearance in roof had increased so I was happy but the effort of communication had failed. But I am a ca student so I attempted again, again she rejected and this continued for a very long time. I used to write something in that friend request, as in orkut when you send friend request you can write around 100 words so I used to write something in 100 word, it used to be mostly compliment. But she always rejected and one day I got her email id and wrote a big mail to her but the reply was rough and rude. I was shocked because her behaviour in roof was not as rough as the email. But till then she had become a primary aspect of my life and ipcc was secondary which was actually my main purpose. I appeared in May 10 IPCC got 131 in Group-1 and 76 in Group-2. Even after failing I was not willing to stop all these and I was too much in that feeling. One day I found her online it was September time and I started talking to her, initially she was not replying at all but then after writing many sentences she asked about me like who am I what am I doing and all that thereafter she talked properly. Now I always used to keep open my orkut to grasp the opportunity to talk to her if she is online and I talked also, once I talked to her for two hours, I asked her to give her number but she did not agree, I thought may be she is a girl so she may not be comfortable so she is not ready to give her number but I hope I will be able to win her heart someday then she may give me her number but  she was talking very well she was polite and caring , thus the feeling was on the top so I proposed her once, she did not say particularly on that matter but she continue talking so i thought that she has agreed. And then my bro engineering got over and he got selected in an steel company now the time had come to leave Bhubaneswar which I never wanted but at last I left Bhubaneswar on Sept 30th and came to Nagpur and started staying with my parents as my father had got transfer. But the feeling was still very much there, I wrote Nov 11 exam and failed again, this time my situation was so worst that I only took up gp2 and got 134 but the feeling of that girl was still very much there. I was still writing her mail but she had stopped replying and I used to be in tension that why she is not replying me. One day I got her reply it was  ‘’ don’t waste your precious time in me I am committed now”.  I was shocked and felt like I lost everything, my time, my attempt and it was a wakeup call for me and I was very angry and upset because I wasted my lot of time in that girl and she at last gave this reply, today also I am not able to understand that why she did this with me, it is a question which will always be there with me and the answer of this I am trying hard to know but not able to know. I decided that now I will not write anything and would just focus on my studies, I wrote both the groups in may 11 cleared Group-2 and again I took Group-1 in Nov 11 got 196 and finally this may 12 I got 204 and passed.

I took totally six attempts to clear IPCC which could have been avoided if I would not have done these mistakes but one thing I am proud to say that I never went to tuition right from CPT and passed IPCC, of course there were sometimes when I thought whether I will ever be able to clear this IPCC or not but somehow today I cleared.

Something which I observed I would like to tell here which many of you would may not agree:-

1.You know in any other game of world the one who plays well will always win but when love becomes a game and does not remain a feeling the one who plays well will always be the looser so its very important to know that the other person for whom you have feeling has the same feeling for you or not, if it is not there then its goods to move on because love is a great feeling and it gives you lot of happiness but remember it takes one thing from you that is time so don’t love or waste your time for somebody who does not love you.

2. Take your attempts very seriously never ever loose attempt for any reason even if you are not prepared and CA is a course which needs prime attention it cannot be a secondary for you.

3. It is not only the course for intelligent people but for hard working people also, if you take it seriously few attempts are required but if you take it very very seriously one attempt is enough to clear IPCC.

4. Past can do nothing other than teaching you some lessons which will be useful for your future.

5. It looks like girls are emotional and of course they are but in the initial stage of love or attraction whatever you call, guys are much more emotional and sensitive about the matter.

6.You never know what is going to happen next in your life as time changes every now and then so it is very important to handle every situation with a cool mind.

At last I would like to say that after doing so many mistakes if I can clear this examination then any one else can and they don’t need more attempts.

You know after clearing CPT I had an opportunity to get register for pcc and go for articleship if I would have done that then till now I would finished my articleship which I have not yet started but I chose to take captainship of my college and played cricket for one year, all my friends were telling that you are wasting your time you should go for articleship but i did not listen anyone’s word because I knew that this moment of my life is special and would never come back once again, i would never become captain once again of any college cricket team so I enjoyed my captainship, it looks like it gave me  nothing but in fact it made me strong, I understood what is the role of a leader how critical his position is and also it gave me some beautiful memories which I will always carry for my whole life because I believe very strongly in one thing that never compromise your life’s happy moments for ca course because in ca exam if you fail you get attempt but to live a life you have only one attempt.

Whatever I have written it is completely based on my experience so you have every right to disagree with me. Now I am in finals with lot of lessons so I hope now i would appear very strong in my very first attempt of CA final. The only one thing I need is the support and guidance of the people of CAclubindia which was always there in my journey of IPCC, believe me if you are there one can clear exam without any tuition. If you read my article please share your views.               


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