Motivation - "I can and I will"

CA Anand Chawda , Last updated: 10 March 2017  

No motivation to study?

The lack of motivation is one of the heaviest barriers to success in CA Exams.

There can be various reasons at various point of the situation which can be like:

  • If someone has cleared single group then he/she may feel like "Ab to ho jaega" i.e. more chilling approach.
  • If someone has already got a negative result then he/she may start disbelieving in themselves.
  • One may be in over confidence like I have already done it in classes and now I am also done with first revision so why to worry.
  • Whereas other may feel that only a few days are remaining I will not be able to complete the preparations.
  • Etc.

And then comes the SECOND THOUGHT, the second thought is about whether to appear for both or single group?

Many people fill the exam forms for both the groups but at a certain point of time due to lack of kick, they opt to appear in only one of the groups. but think why this kind of behaviour. Think that what if we have no option like appearing in any single group (e.g. In Board or University exams we have to appear for all subjects at one go and that too without a gap of any single day during exams).

Think of those days of SSC Board exams when we used to study with so much eagerness, but at that time we never had thoughts of a number of attempts and like stuff. I do agree that there is no comparison between SSC and CA Exams but ya, we can compare our self at SSC exam’s time and now. Just take some moments and relax and think about the strategies we used to follow during our school times. You will find a lot of hard work you did at that time, you did classes, homework of classes, homework from schools, plus two or three prelim exams, and sincere studies and that was because of some push, the push of getting good percentages and getting admission in better college or catching better future path.

So at this point of time the only motivation which can be with you is the SELF MOTIVATION and SELF CONFIDENCE.

Still, around 50 days are remaining dear all, let us take a 50 days challenge of "I Can and I Will" for this challenge:

  • We have to develop & follow daily pattern of study.
  • Initiate it with full proof study plan.
  • Take care of our health by avoiding disturbances and stress.
  • Stay away from social media like Whatsapp, FB, etc atleast for 30 days.
  • Believe in yourself and not to get distracted from the ultimate goal of adding a prefix of "CA" to our name.
  • Keep in mind that the CA is your utmost priority list.
  • Avoid meeting with discouraging peoples who will be happy to see you fail.
  • Daily worship for few moment to whomsoever you believe (it will relax you).
  • And the final one-"Let's make our parents proud".

Never be afraid of the future and don't think of what will be there in exams make sure that you prepare for the worst in best manner, without skipping anything in options. And let us show our real power that that we can achieve any heights and keep in mind the challenge of "I Can and I Will".

All the Very Best Guys.
Warm Wishes to All of us.

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Published by

CA Anand Chawda
(Senior Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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