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Most successful people today are the people who failed most?

Durga Rao , Last updated: 05 August 2010  

After a long time, I take pleasure in spending few minutes for my dear students who are in distress. I know that there are people who criticize my brief and statements and critics tend to be there. I would like to dedicate this small brief to my dear students who aim big and try to travel in an unexplored path not bothering much about their present position, commitments, family responsibilities, financial strength etc. While many students may feel very bad at failure in their exams etc., most successful people in this world feel very proud at their failure and its a fact. It’s also a fact that most successful people on this earth are the people who had to face many adversities and who failed the most. Failure presents an opportunity for introspection and it will make you to emerge stronger provided you have the needed determination to succeed. Determination is the key factor for success and keeps you moving and ultimately you will succeed.

Before proceeding further on the issue of failure and as to how failure is the stepping stone for success, I would like to share my personal experience with my dear student friends and what kept me going in life. Though, I was gifted with some in-born qualities, I have neglected all my studies till I joint Law. I could not complete my graduation and failed in English subject in all three years of my graduation. Finally, I thought, I may not be able to complete my graduation and may not be able achieve anything in life using my academic qualification and I discontinued my studies. In a dramatic turn of events in my life, I had to join law. Its a great experience again. During my initial days in Law College, I could not even say 'hi' if my classmate wishes me like 'hi'. It is because, I could not understand the term 'hi' at that time and as I was very weak in English, I could not even understand the lecture in Law College. After 10 days of joining Law, I have decided to discontinue even law and conveyed my intention to my exceptional parents who could not resist my decision as they are concerned at my happiness and as they could not tolerate pain in me. But, after a deep thinking, I have decided and determined to overcome all my problems and started going to college. If a lecturer poses a question to me at that time, I could not even open my mouth or respond and my class-mates used to laugh at me. My class-mates used to see me and treat me as if I was a very strange person on this earth. But, I boiled and I used to think so deep as to how to succeed in life always and I used to neglect even taking food. I had to see one of junior friend in Law College who is very good in English and I know one Class X student at that time from my locality. I have decided to use these two meritorious students and I used to treat them as my teachers. I have got the tips as to how to improve English from this people. I used to listen English news in a Radio at 10.30 p.m in the evening and 6.30 a.m in the morning without fail. I used to refer dictionary regularly before going to sleep and I have decided to read "Hindu" news paper regularly. Slowly, I have emerged as a best student in my law college. Please note that good English will not guarantee success though it is imperative at times in your chosen field. Even during initial days of my practice after completing law, I have decided to write a Book on Company Law and had argued matters before many forums on my own. No one has guided me and I had to gather information, plan on my own and had to proceed in life. I would also like to share as to what kept me going when I was in difficult times. It is 'hope' as I perceived from the statements of most successful people on this earth. I used to read "Wings of Fire" written by Dr.A.P.J.Kalam initially and later I have read about many successful personalities. I used to read about Sir Sorabji, the founder of Central Bank of India and I used to listen to Barrack Obama through youtube. Whenever there was a set-back at that time, I used to motivate myself by reading the statements of great people who emphasize at 'hope' and determination to succeed. For me, I have learned a lot by reading the autobiographies and by listening to the great people like Barrack Obama. I have learned the importance of hard work, determination, planning and failure from the book "Wings of Fire". I have learned that very ordinary people with very touch background can do extraordinary things by reading the biography of Sir Sorabji of Central Bank of India. I have learned that nothing is impossible by knowing about the life of "Stephen Hawking" in the beginning and by listening to "Steve Jobs" later. I came to know that one should be simple irrespective of their so-called achievements by listening to Bill Gates. This is how I have traveled in my life so far and now I am busy in my profession and believe that I can do many things and I have to go a very long way still.

It is not for getting recognition or applause, I have shared my experience. I have got my own recognition already and I know what I am. My concern is that my dear students friends should not go into depression and should not leave 'hope' as they can do many things in life irrespective of their failure in exams. It is true that failure is an opportunity for introspection and adversity presents opportunities. As somebody commented, it is very difficult to digest a set-back or failure and J.K.Rowling has explained well as to what failure means in her speech to Harvard University. I would request my dear students to keep positive thoughts intact and be determined irrespective of failures. I would also request my students to get experienced with the things not seen by listening to experienced people. J.K.Rowling says that "human being can experience the things not seen". You can be matured at a very young age only when you are willing to listen to experienced people and gather all the needed information and thoughts. Being positive and confident is very important to succeed in life. So, I request my students not leave their confidence and positive thoughts at their failure in exams and they should remember that they have a very long way to go and they can achieve many more things in life.

There may be people and friends who try to nurture negative things in you and you should be able to handle those. In my career too, I have heard many negative issues and I used to be among the circle with full of negative feelings, still, I was positive in thinking as I am confident of my thinking and I have given credence to my introspection and the experience and statements of most successful people on this earth. I might not have achieved anything in life and I too have a very long way to go as I am also young. But, you are supposed to think big and achieve bigger things. I have given information about some useful speech in my earlier articles and I would like to again give you some useful links so as to keep your inspiration level up. 

Please listen to J.K.Rowling's address to Harvard to know about life, failure and success thought the URL link below:




Please listen to Steve Jobs Stanford commencement address to know the power of belief through the URL link below:


Please listen to Bill Gates address to Harvard to know about simplicity and the importance of failure though the URL link below:




Please listen to Barrack Obama's biography through the URL link below to know that nothing is impossible on this earth if you have the determination to succeed:


(Please listen all parts of Barrack's biography)

While thanking the CAclubIndia administrators for providing this wonder platform to communicate with students and various experts, I request the students to use the forum to a maximum extent and I request the eminent to write on variety of issues.

Note: The views expressed are my personal and many may disagree with my views.


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Durga Rao
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