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Mobile Phone Etiquette

Priyanka Kala , Last updated: 30 May 2008  

Mobile Phone Etiquette

Let It Vibrate
If you have your cell phone turned on in meetings, restaurants, theaters etc. set it to vibratory mode. If you have to attend to a call, excuse yourself and answer your phone in a private corner.

Don't Shout
If the background noise is disturbing, go to a quieter place. If the problem is a bad connection, talking louder will not help so just end the call and try again from a place where the reception is better.

Use A Handsfree
If law permits, use the mobile phone in "hands free" mode while driving. Not only are both hands free to shift gears and steer, there seems to be a very significant difference in the degree of attention deficit when using an ear phone. The ear phone makes it much easier to focus on driving.

Limit Your Gossip
Be careful to limit conversations in cars to traffic areas and conditions requiring low amounts of decision-making. In high volume, tricky driving situations, either turn the phone off or let it ring. Pull over to the side to speak if the conversation is important.

Choose Your Spot
Be considerate of people standing or sitting near you. When choosing a spot to take or make a call, make sure you are far enough away from other people & that they are not forced to listen to your conversation.

Not While Driving...
Never talk while driving a vehicle. It is not only risky but also unlawful to talk while driving. If you have to attend to a call, just pull over on the side. Make sure it is a parking zone. Safety - Pay attention to the road.

Your Attention Please...
Try to gain as little phone attention as possible. The goal is to communicate effectively without anybody else noticing or caring.

Remain Human
Some people seem incapable of speaking on their cell phone in a normal tone of voice. Perhaps they are subconsciously worried that the party on the other end cannot hear them very well, so they double and triple their volume. Sometimes it seems as if they are shouting.

Keep Your Distance
Each person is surrounded by a personal space. This space provides feelings of safety and calm, especially in crowded places. Respect the personal space of other people and tries to speak in places 10-20 feet or more away from the closest person. If there is no private, separate space available, wait to speak on the phone until a good space is available.

Too crowded ?
Sensitivity to other peoples' needs and comforts is a sign of good character. Crowded rooms, lines and tight hallways are not good places to carry on phone conversations. Next time you find yourself in a crowded space, watch the reactions of non mobile phone users to those who speak loudly into their phones while standing next to them.

Keep business private
Many personal and business conversations contain information that should remain confidential or private. Before using a mobile phone in a public location to discuss private business or issues, make sure that there will be enough distance to keep the content private. Some stories, some issues and some conflicts should be saved for times and locations that will allow for confidentiality.

Speak Softly
Be careful to speak in hushed tones. Mobile phones usually have a sensitive microphone that are capable of picking up a soft voices.

Ringtones ??
Set the ring tone at a low level with a tune that is soft, gentle and not annoying. The more crowded the situation, the quieter and softer the volume of voice and ring.

Switch to vibratory mode in any situation like a church, a workshop or a meeting where a ringing sound would prove disturbing to other people.

Keep a civil and pleasant tone
Others might overhear a conversation, so be careful to maintain a public voice that will not disturb others. At the same time, certain types of conversations may require or inspire some tough talk or emotional tones. They reserve these conversations for more private settings. Do not fire employees, chastise employees, argue with a boss or fight with a spouse or teenager on their mobile phones in public settings.

Pick your spot..Again !
Some locations are better for conversations than others. They offer more privacy and less noise. By keeping the mobile phone turned off much of the time, you can handle incoming calls under good conditions rather than struggling against interference of various kinds such as flight announcements in the hallways of an airport. Learns which spots will offer the best signal and the best conditions. Rather than hold an important business discussion or negotiation under poor conditions, wait for good conditions in order to make the best impression and provide a professional communication experience.

Is It The Right Time ?
Think about when to turn the phone on or off. There are many situations where it would be rude if a phone rang, interrupting the transaction at hand. When stepping up to a service counter, entering a restaurant or joining a meeting, turn off the phone. You can rely upon your "voice mail" to take incoming calls. There may be sometimes when a particular incoming call or message requires an exception, but the vast majority of callers do not require immediate access.

One thing at a time !
Some folks are better at juggling many tasks at the same time than others, but there are some things in life that deserve your full attention. The busy person multi-tasking at a desk can be a wonderful model of efficiency, handling, phone, keyboard, coffee cup and remote control all at the same time, but at other times, multi-tasking can be hazardous, rude and inefficient.

Reserve multi-tasking for situations and times when it is safe, convenient and appropriate. Approaching a counter to work through a problem with an airline ticket, turn off the phone (or its ringer) to protect the coming transaction from interruption. One thing at a time. Focus. Efficiency. Manners.

Focus... That's the Keyword !
Stop other activities such as typing, when a call comes through in order to give the caller, full attention, free of distraction. Make the most of the call.

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Published by

Priyanka Kala
(Student CA & CS)
Category Others   Report



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