Mistakes I made during my CA Preparation

Akanksha Raut , Last updated: 17 January 2022  

Some people learn through others' mistakes and some commit their own. Here I am sharing my mistakes so that you can learn from them.

During my IPCC classes, I made a huge mistake by ignoring my health. The Irregular routine, bad eating habits and sitting all day with zero physical activity made my digestive system weak which resulted in low stamina which in turn increased the weakness. 

Later, I suffered from diarrhoea which made my situation worse which led to no energy, not even to walk. This had repercussions on my studies leading to me quitting coaching classes for 1 month and returning to my hometown to recover from my bad health.
This pulled down my confidence level, I was unable to prepare well for my exams. Lost my first attempt.

Mistakes I made during my CA Preparation

Now when I think of it I realize that if I had made an extra effort in taking good care of my health or even after recovering if I would have studied then things would have been different.

I lost my second attempt, due to a lack of guidance and proper consultation. Since  I'm an introverted girl and do not share or discuss my personal problems with anyone, I took the step of writing Group II  papers instead of Group 1. Failed again without proper guidance. 

In the third attempt, I was well prepared but failed with exemption in accounts. This is common, says everyone in the CA field. But somewhere I blamed myself for not doing my best. In short thodi dosti yaari kam krti to shayad pass ho jati.

FINALLY, I cleared my 1st group of IPCC in my fourth attempt and this boosted my confidence. With a positive outcome and mindset, I gave the second group and cleared it with less effort.


I would like to summarize my learnings from this journey

1. Don't ignore your health, have a balanced diet, and exercise regularly.
2. Don't take your studies or your career for granted. Please utilize your time properly or you will regret it later.
3. Don't hesitate to take suggestions and guidance from others. 
4. Give your 100% in whatever you do.
5. Last but not least, confidence and a positive attitude play a very important role in clearing exams. Always be positive when you are preparing for exams. This will have a positive impact on your results.

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Akanksha Raut
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