MICS/ISCA-books and preparation advice

Vidhyashankar , Last updated: 16 June 2009  

Dear All,

Im surprised by the number of queries asking me to give my take on MICS and ISCA subjects!

Both MICS and ISCA(Which is a minor-take off of CISA) are purely theory subjects with little or very little practical relevance.

Frankly speaking, coaching in this subject is a waste of time and money.(Please refer my earlier posting"No need for coaching for these subjects")


Be thorough with Study material and if you are able to roughly reporduce what the study materail says, you get your marks in a royal fashion.Waver a bit then the examiner tends to reduce marks/points.This is the trend seen.

Have scanner and judiciously select areas where they would test for more marks and study that first and the rest later.

Have "Solved scanner"(or Padhukas) and RTPs to aid you in your final days revision.

Revise the subject 4 times and you own the subject.Do not neglect it just because I say its an easy subject.Give respect to it and learn ir properly but dont go overboard with coaching for this theory subject.

If one wants to beat boredom, then one can buy Padhukas referencer for this subject.This is the best in the market I have seen for this subject.

You can also buy other notes and books too, no harm but keep study material as the bedrock book for this subject and this is more than enough.

There is not much thinking one does.Maybe in one recent they asked a numerical problem from MICS!(But it was a freak type of paper and the numerical question was also easy).They just do such stunts to just bamboozle students.Dont be afraid, the subject is easy.

What more can I give on this subject?---

Hmm, ok

1. Read study material well

2. Revise 4 times

3.Practice writing for this subject.

4. Create mindmaps and mnemonics list.I used mnemonics to remember big lists.

5.Peruse this list over and over again.

6.This paper would fetch easy marks/points so dont neglect it.

7.New syllabus is not tough, so dotn be afraid by the new appellation and make a beeline for a coaching class.

8.Coaching is a waste of time for this subject.You just end up filling the coffers of the teachers who conduct this subject coaching.

9.If you have no discipline absolutely for this subject, then go for coaching.Even then I would consider it a waste of time, to sit firing up one's ass for so long and that too for a sopoforic subject like this!(One lady teacher I know in Chennai who teaches this subject, just reads from her printouts and students busily copy the notes the whole day.Minimal teaching is involved in this subject.I just asked one of my friend for the notes and got it photocopied! Hey presto! I saved my time copying her notes.It did not serve me very well too as I jsut read primarily from CA institute study material and got very good marks too in it.

----------------------------------------------------God Bless------------------------------------------

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