Master Strategy for Clearing may 2011 final exams...

alpit bhandari , Last updated: 31 March 2011  

Hello friends..


After a good victory against pakistan its time to focus back to the studies..


As its 30 days to count from here for ca final exams i will advice you all to change the gear of your way of studying.


Those who are giving both groups will have to focus on all 8 subjects and so they have to make their master strategy accordingly...


As days for exams are coming close many of you will be  studying too hard , some of you will be little confused about how to cover all the subjects or some of you will be taking some subjects one day and remaining on the other. And some of  you might be taking one subject , complete it and then move on to other subject..


Well it is the time to do more of planning then studying too much..


REMEMBER-- without planning and studying at this stage is like you are trying hard for winning the world cup without even thinking how to win the semi finals and quarter finals..


First set your targets and make plans accordingly and then execute your plan so that all your operations are successful .


Now try to follow this


1. As the course is lengthy  -- select the most imp topics for each subject


2. Finish the imp topics and then once again go through all these imp topics very quickly


3. Now how to study all 8 subjects..?

Ans:  never take one subject or two subject and finish it first and then going for the next subject.. This is bcoz your mind cant take same thing for long hours..


It is same as if your mother prepares a dish for you and serve you the same dish for whole day ie breakfast , lunch and dinner...


Even if it will be your favourite dish then also your body wont take it.. 


Same is the case for study.. Our mind stops reacting after continious hours of study for the same subject


Follow these guidelines and try it for one day and tell me how your mind reacts..i am sure at the end of the day you will notice that whatever you have studied you remember it maximum.


(a) study one subject for only 45 min. And set an alarm for it.


(b) when alarm rings take a break of  5 min and walk in your room or take deep breathing or drink some water..


(c) now in the next 5 min make your mind that for next 45 min you will study this subject( say costing )  and this topic ( say standard costing) .. This is bcoz it will open the gate for ur mind for the subject to study.


(d) set the alarm again for the next 45 min..


(e) cover four subjects like this and then take a break of 45 min and eat something healthy.


(f) now again repeat the same process for next four subjects..


(g) now this completes your one round of study.. Now repeat the same round once again..


So the strategy is very simple


8 subjects ,


2 rounds ,


90 min for each subject a day..  ,


Total hours of study  (55*2*8)/60 = 14.67 , effective hours of study = 12..,, 


Total no of breaks = 4 ,, total hours of break = 3  , 


So total hours used = 14.67 + 3 = 17.67 or 18 hours..


Now still left with 6 hours..  Sleep and dream about that you will be a chartered accountant after 3 months..


I am sure you all will come with great results.. So wish you all a very good luck and may god bless everyone..


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Published by

alpit bhandari
(Service- Area Credit Manager)
Category Students   Report

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