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Life of a CA Student - Full of Challenges (Part III)

SANYAM ARORA , Last updated: 02 November 2012  

Greetings of the day to all the members of CCI  Family.

Friend’s this will be Part – 3 of my series “Life of a CA Student – Full of Challenges”

In the last two parts we have discussed how tough Life of a CA Student could be. We discussed regarding how people discourage, Comment & keep on de – motivating CA Students. But in this part I will be discussing some points which disturb as well as Affect us.

The Link to my previous Parts is given below:-

Life of a CA Student”  

Life of a CA Student (2)


a. We (CA Students) are the Rulers of Financial Market. Our life is very different from others.

b. We are the creators of Numbers & know how to play with them.

c. Just at the age of 17 when student’s join college or Educational Institutes we (CA Student’s) dare to Join India’s Best Professional Accounting Body i.e. “Institute of Chartered Accountant of India”

d. We play an important role in this world. Our signature provide authentication to the Accounts of the Companies.

e. After clearing 12th Examination, when we joined the CA Course, you all would have definitely sensed lot of difference as well as felling of Proud in you. Just after clearing CPT, we all feel we are at the higher side in comparison to our friends who dint chose CA as their Career.

f. I don’t understand why people don’t understand the worth of becoming a Chartered Accountant. Why always CA is compared with the Monetary Terms.

g. Why can’t people see the Efforts, Never Dying Spirit, Hard Work, Sacrifices of a CA Student?

h. So the feeling of becoming a Chartered Accountant can never be compared with any degree.

i. It takes 5 hard years to become a successful Chartered Accountant. And if after completion of these years you hear something bad about the profession or about you, I just can say that “It Badly hurts”.

j. Life of a CA Student has never been easy whether it was Past, Present or Future.

k. My question still remains the same “If you haven’t tasted it, you have no right to comment on it”.



a. To make Aspirants realize that it’s worth doing CA in present scenario also.

b. To change the thinking of the Aspirants.


a. I have often seen many CA Students complaining that they don’t get a chance to attend Regular Course. 

b.  We keep on criticizing that we wasted our 5 crucial years on a course which doesn’t even have any future.

c. We complain that we could have attended the Regular College & enjoyed our teen Age.

d. I have a question for all of you - Do you really feel so?

e. Do you really feel that attending regular college would have been more beneficial to your career?

f. As per my view students attending regular colleges are just wasting there 3 Years. (Except Few Colleges, so Please don’t take it personally) They just go, Bunk & have fun throughout the course. And when the 3 years get over they stand nowhere in the market.

g. So please stop feeling low for missing the regular life. Fun will be back after you Qualify but if you will keep on regretting it, then surely you will miss a chance to get a Professional Degree.

· “सम्पूर्ण  जीवन  संघर्ष  की  मांग  करता  है. जिन्हें  सबकुछ  बैठे बैठे  मिल  जाता  है वो  आलसी ,

स्वार्थी  और  जीवन  के  वास्तविक  मूल्यों  के  प्रति  असंवेदनशील  हो  जाते  हैं. अथक  प्रयास  और  कठिन

परिश्रम  जिससे  हम  बचने  की  कोशिश  करते  हैं  दरअसल  वही  हम  आज  जो  व्यक्ति  हैं  उसका  प्रमुख  

निर्माण  खंड  है”.


a. We (CA Students) keep on delaying happiness i.e. Every time we just keep on satisfying our mind that let me clear CPT then I will enjoy my life, after clearing it we promise our self that lets become CA first & then all our worries will get vanished automatically.

b. But this Attitude is really wrong. We keep on thinking about the blunders done in the Past & keep on worrying about our future. And we forget to enjoy our present.

c. These lines are especially for CA Students. We get indulge into studies so much that we forget to enjoy our present. We keep on criticizing our profession & use of words like “Kaha Faas Gay” “Life Khatam Ho Gae” “CA Ne to zindge Kharab Kaar De” are very common amongst CA Students.

d. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”

e. “It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one.”

f. “I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance.” 

g. So please stop worrying about your future & make the most of the present, so that you don’t need to regret in the coming future.


a. We belong to a unique as well as Prestigious Institute i.e. “ICAI”.

b. Always keep in mind the goal of becoming Chartered Accountant.

c. Give your best in Present to change your future.

d. Live your life like a Rock star & never get tensed by the comments of People.

e. It depends upon you in which way you take it.

So it brings end to my Article.

Any sought of comment & suggestions are welcome.

Thanks & Regards

Sanyam Arora

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