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Life is short, do what you want

Nimish Goel , Last updated: 10 September 2015  

As I write this blog post, my father is admitted in the hospital diagnosed with ‘triple vessel disease’.  The doctors say all the three arteries in his heart are blocked and because the heart is not functioning properly, they cannot do any surgery.  He has to take medicines and wait till the time his heart’s condition improves and then doctors might take a call for further action.

After he would undergo the surgery, I am sure the doctors would impose hundreds of restrictions on his lifestyle and he may not be the same person who used to be before going to the hospital.

This situation very strongly forces me to think that whenever we get a chance to do something we should do it and shouldn’t postpone it for the right time.  Who knows whether the right time would come or not?

In our life we want to do a variety of things but keep postponing them on a belief that one fine day we will have all the energy and confidence and money to make it happen.  We keep waiting for the right moment.  Sometimes we think we are too young to do it, sometimes we feel we are not well equipped to handle any situation but someday we will have the right skillsets, someday we feel we don’t have enough resources and today is probably not the right day to harness those required resources.  Who knows if we would ever have the energy we thought of, who knows if we would ever have the resources we thought of and who knows if we would ever have the confidence to make it happen.

Honestly, to me the concept of ‘perfect moment’ does not exist and if you are seriously thinking of any perfect moment to enjoy your life, you are probably wasting your time.  You are keenly looking forward to go to a party in the evening and your car’s tyre gets punctured.  You wanted to buy a bike for your college but fall short of just 1% marks that you had promised to your father for him to finance that bike.  You wanted to take a vacation and when you are about to plan for it your wife turns pregnant and now you cannot go.  You always wanted to cook but you got hurt and now you cannot move your hand and can’t cook.

I have heard so many people saying that I will go to a religious place only after I turn 60 years old because then I would have time.  Are you sure you know that you would live that much?

Life is full of surprises and challenges at every moment.  You cannot predict the future but you can surely enjoy your today and make the most of it.  

Don’t postpone things if you know that you have the wherewithal to make it happen today.  Just do it and enjoy the moment.  

If you want to take your child for swimming, take him/her today if you can, who knows if you would ever get a chance again?  If you want to cook then cook at least one meal today, who knows if you would ever get a chance again?  If you want to tell your friend that you like him/her and have the opportunity today then say it today, who knows if you would ever get a chance again to say?  If you want to do CA or MBA at the age of 40 or 50 and you believe you can do it, then enroll now, who knows if you would ever get a chance?  If you want to attend a course in a prestigious institute then don’t wait for the right time, just do it because who knows if you would be able to do it ever again?

Small, small wins and moments of happiness when put together would certainly weave into wonderful and lively beads called ‘LIFE’. 

I want to end this post with a nice para:

“In your young age you have energy and time but no money to enjoy,
In middle age you have energy and money but no time to enjoy, and
In old age you have money and time but no energy to enjoy”…

Enjoy and stay blessed…

Authored by Nimish Goel who by profession is a qualified chartered accountant but by passion, is an active blogger.  Nimish has worked with EY and PwC in India and has also worked with KPMG in Europe.  He now runs a consulting company (www.ibadvisors.co) and manages his blog www.nimishgoel.com.

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Nimish Goel
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