Lessons from Chak de - Part II - Team work

CA Madhukiran Reddy , Last updated: 24 February 2011  

Hi Friends this is my fourth article (upgraded version 2.0 of third article Lessons that one can learn from Chak de) in which I discussing about the team work that one should obtain from the movie Chak de India.

The thought of writing the second article on the same topic (I mean on Chak de) is because of our one of best friend in CCI “PULKIT”, Pulkit Thanks for the suggestion.

Introduction: Our film industry is not just a comedy, songs and dancing all these things, there have been some movies that have been really inspirational and this movie inspired me a lot in many ways.

Chak de tries to say that nothing is impossible and never give up for what happens it may be.

Dream about the goal & achieve it: The thing that I took from this movie is inspiration that we should have faith in ourselves and keep trying to achieve the goal which we are always dreaming.

Team Work: As per the movie when the girls coming from across the country are asked to introduce themselves, they are strictly informed by their coach that they should identify as Indians first and play for the India first, then for their team members and rest is for themselves.

Thus this attitude we should make every day in all spheres. A famous saying by Henry Ford is “why should I clutter my mind with general information when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I need?”


Team Goal: Chak de explains meaning for these words in very effective manner. When the two girls in the movie namely Preeti & Komal competing for the highest scorer tag for which they not passed the ball to each other. This eventually turns as an advantage to the opposite team.

This kind of activity will be there in the normal course of life, haven’t you see in your team members.

Shah Rukh Khan shows the importance of Team Goal by taking continuous speech at the climax scene.


Team Leader: By watching the movie we can say without hesitatingly how the leader should be! We can find following qualities that leader should have:



Hard work

Strength to team

Taking enormous risk

Inspiration to the team

Positive Thinking etc.,


Conclusion: I will end up this topic here with quoting a single sentence “we can say that there is no “I” in the team. But there is a “Team” in me”.

TEAM means

T - Together

E - Everyone

A - Achieves

M - More

Thanks to CCI, for giving me a team.

Finally, I think if we follow these points as commandments there is no way that great teamwork can’t be achieved.

Do You Agree?

Also see my other article in this series



Your Comments are most welcomed !!!!!!!!


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CA Madhukiran Reddy
Category Students   Report

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