There has been large scale comparison of CA with other professions. Many of you have an opinion that CA is the best and CAs are superior because of knowledge, practical training, power to sign balance sheet etc.
I have a few words for those who feel that way -
CAs are knowledgable because the job and responsibilites of a CA require the candidate to be very knowledgable. MBAs and other professionals who are claimed inferior by you and you label them as people who don't know anything, are that way because their profession/job and role doesn't demand knowledge.There are many jobs/professions/businesses that do not require a person to be knowledgable. Some jobs/professions require a person to have skills. These skills can be developed by anybody (right CAs and guys who beg on the roadside) over a period of time without spending much money. Examples being acting, singing, dancing, designing of handicrafts/textiles/cars etc, media & entertainment, advertising, MANAGEMENT (It is about skills and not knowledge), Corporate Communications, Organizational Behaviour, Strategy & Operations, Marketing etc. These jobs are again far more remunerative than what jobs in finance are or the professions/jobs which CAs are involved in. Then there are other jobs which require a person to be a good speaker, a patient listener and a they require you to understand your customer. These jobs are in sales, marketing, public relations, corporate communications, cokking - hotel business etc. These jobs again are very attractive, creative, challenging and exciting as well. So, knowledge does not make a course superior. CAs are knowledgable because their role in society and industry require them to be knowledgable. Comparatively, as many of you have pointed out, people from other courses may not be knowledgable. Which is correct, but we also need to keep in mind that those people dont require to be knowledgable. If their jobs/profession would have demanded knowledge, IIMs and other bschools would have surely changed their sylabus and made it in lines with CA. Their role and responsibility does not demand knowledge but it demands skills, attitude etc. Just because of knowledge nothing can be called superior or inferior. The broad picture needs to be kept in mind. So I do not see any reason why any of you should feel MBAs or any other courses are inferior to CA. Further, there is no reason for you to feel that only those jobs that demand knowledge have respect. People who are very skillful, creative have very good respect in society.