Last Days before CA Exams

CA Chirag , Last updated: 31 October 2013  

Again after writing “How to write in CA Exams”, I decided to write an article on “Last Days before CA exams”.

Hope it will help you in these days.

Till this time, you all must have completed your entire syllabus with revision. Right? Not, don’t worry. Have patience. See now you have only a week to go. Instead of thinking of “I have not done revision” think that whatever I read, it is by heart. If you have done revision, it is good.

Now the real situation starts. It may be possible that you are reading in library or such other places. So some friend may say “I have completed revision 2 or say 3 times”. But if you have done only once or in process of completing for second time. Then in such condition, I would like to tell you that please please please don’t compare yourself with others. It proves vary dangerous. Instead try to concentrate only on your efforts.

There are persons who are wondering around you, who will try to give you some tension. How? They may come up with you and tell “hi, have you read it? It is very important”. I t may be possible that you might not read that thing. So you get tension. Instead of taking tension, you need to concentrate only on those things which you already prepared.

Never never go for last minute updates. In discussion, it might disturb you. Some friends may bring some new material. He/She might tell or inform you that this is the new material and important points are given. Please try concentrate only on those topics which you have completed. Not to start any new topic in these last days as now there is no time.

Never try to adopt different practice or approach to examples. It will prove very dangerous as you try to solve with the method you don’t know or either little know. If you do not gat answer with new or different method, you will loose your confident. Hence request you not to adopt or try new methods. This will applicable only to those who are self studying. There are so many books available in market on each subject. There are different ways to get understand the same topic. But if some friends get you say a new book with different method, then my sincere request not to apply that in last days. Instead you are requested to adopt your own methodology.

Lastly, I would like to tell you all friends that please don’t take any tension. Be happy with what you have read. Never compare your self with others. Never compare your preparation with others. Never try to demoralize your self by looking some others (this will done while you read in library or at such other places). Keep faith in GOD. Keep faith in Parents. Lastly but not least have faith in YOUESELF that “YOU CAN DO IT”

A large number of CA Fraternity is waiting to welcome you.

Last words, Be Honest to yourself, your work, and your Parents and GOD.

While you are going to for giving exams, it may be possible that you are not living with your parents (you reside outside to give your exams or completing your study). So have photos of them. Before going to exam, request you to see them and automatically will be blessed with their blessing. This will surely works.

The views expressed are of purely of personal. You may give remarks at my address: or at


CA Chirag

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Published by

CA Chirag
(Chirag Sheth & Associates)
Category Students   Report

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