Hello Everyone!
By way of this article, I desire to detail out my overall strategy for all subjects of CA final - also mentioning various resources used and address all of the common queries I've received.
Trying to keep this detailed but crisp and relevant. Hope you find it useful!
The timeline
IPCC results were out in August 2017. I started with my coaching (JK Shah Classes, Mumbai) in January 2018 and till July 2019, diligently attended all lectures and ensured no gaps in understanding of concepts.
The Final exam was scheduled in May 2020. From August 2019 (roughly 3 months before the study leave), I started devoting 2 hours daily to self study apart from the classes which were going on simultaneously.
Study leave started in January 2020 (4 months) and by this time had already completed first reading of 2-3 subjects.

The study leave plan
The focus was to -
- Complete 1 detailed reading of every subject (Average 8-10 days per subject)
- 1 in-depth revision (Average 4-5 days per subject)
- 1 quick revision (2-3 days per subject - Simulating the 1.5-2 days before exams)
Financial Reporting
- Concept building from Class notes and quick run through of the Module
- Sums - All Module sums
- Revision Videos and Board notes (in public domain) - Bhavik Chokshi Sir for quick revision
- Past 3-4 RTPs and MTPs
- Concept building from Class notes and Gaurav Jain Sir concept notes pdf
- Sums from Module and Old Course PM
- Revision videos of Gaurav Jain Sir
- Theory from Module and Bhavik Chokshi Sir theory compiler
- Past 3-4 RTPs and MTPs
- Detailed chapter notes from Class book
- For other special topics (Bank Audit/Insurance/NBFC/Peer Review) - Sanidhya Saraf Sir Summary
- Questions - Pankaj Garg Scanner
- Revision Videos of Sanidhya Saraf Sir and Sarthak Jain sir
- Detailed chapter notes and questions from Class book + Module
- Revision videos of Amit Popli Sir/Sanidhya Saraf sir/Arpita Tulsyan Ma'am
- Handwritten Summary notes prepared for few chapters
- Amendments from ICAI Statutory update
- Past 3-4 RTPs and MTPs
- For theory chapters - Only Module theory and sums
- For practical chapters - concepts and sums from class book and Module
- Revision videos of Sankalp Kanishtya Sir and Monish Kanabar
- Past 2-3 RTPs and MTPs (Very important)
Elective - Economic Laws
- Pendrive lectures of Amit Popli sir
- Primary material - Module and past MTPs
- Revision videos of Amit Popli Sir
- For Significant Case Laws newly added by ICAI - Sanidhya Saraf sir's Summary pdf
Direct tax:
- Detailed notes from Class book and quick run through of the Module
- Questions from Module/Class book/Past RTPs and MTPs
- Amendments from ICAI Statutory update and Judicial update
- Revision videos of Bhanwar Borana Sir and Aarish Khan Sir (extensively used)
Indirect tax
- Detailed notes from Module + Class notes
- Questions from ICAI Question Bank for GST, Module for Customs and FTP
- Revision videos of Yashwant Mangal Sir and Mahesh Gour Sir
- Past 2-3 RTPs and MTPs
- Amendments from ICAI Statutory update
Subject-wise detailed strategy
Have already mentioned the detailed strategy in the following YouTube interviews. Sharing the link here for quick reference -
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axWPfR_IoMQ - Overall strategy
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc7SbAC9EI4 - Overall strategy
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCxhq-pLdIE&t=726s - Subject-wise strategy
As I have reiterated the importance of planning multiple times, I have been receiving a lot of requests for sharing few examples of planners I made. Attaching the same -
1 month plan all subjects
IDT 1.5 day plan
1st revision plan of all subjects
DT Sequence of chapters
Presentation tips
An answer well read but poorly presented fails to fetch the deserved marks! Listing down some of the presentation tips I followed consciously -
- Always start the answer by quoting the relevant Section/Ind AS/SA and explaining the same in 1-2 sentences
- Break down a proper theory answer in multiple paragraphs/points - each paragraph/point representing a different point/idea for which marks are desired
- Highlighting key words without fail
- The flow of answers must be clear-
For eg: In Law DT IDT - The legal position followed by analysis and ending with a definite conclusion.
SCMPE - Case study sequence must clearly highlight the problems, the framework used, analysis and recommendations
- Tabular/Step-wise presentation must be followed whenever possible (especially in lengthy questions of DT/IDT)
- If time permits - giving a background of the concept before jumping to the solution
- If the question has 2-3 sub-questions that must be answered - all sub-questions must be answered separately point-wise
- Basic rules of quoting the question number in the center of the page and starting every answer on a new page
Certified copies
In order to better illustrate the presentation tips and give a glimpse of the evaluation pattern - I am sharing across the link to all my certified copies of Nov 2020 exam.
Mock tests
I personally wrote atleast 2 mocks for every subject (Classes and Catest series)- one after the first read and another post 1st revision. Analysis of those mocks helped me overcome silly mistakes and presentation deficiencies.
- Recently, ICAI has come up with an MCQ booklet for all subjects. Practicing MCQs form the booklet would help getting a hang of the approach required for MCQs.
- For subjects like Audit - elimination of option method helps in solving tricky ones.
- Reading things minutely helps in cracking MCQs to a great extent.
Final words
Staying motivated and maintaining a positive attitude throughout is extremely crucial.
With this, I hope I have been able to address as many queries possible. For any specific queries, you can reach out to me personally - would be happy to help!
All the best and just give your best shot!
Also read: Komal Jain's exclusive conversation with CAclubindia!