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Is ESG Supplementary to CSR or a Substitution?

Sai Kiran , Last updated: 02 March 2024  

In recent years, people have been talking a lot about businesses being responsible and sustainable. They use terms like ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). But are these just different words for the same thing, or are they separate but related ideas?

ESG focuses on three main areas: the environment, society, and how companies are run. It covers everything from how a company impacts the environment and uses resources to how it treats its employees and makes decisions. Companies that follow ESG principles care about staying sustainable for the long term, understanding that doing well financially goes hand in hand with doing good for society.

Is ESG Supplementary to CSR or a Substitution

CSR, on the other hand, is more about a company's commitment to doing the right thing. This could mean supporting local communities, helping the environment, or making sure their workers are treated well. CSR often involves things like donating money, volunteering, or getting involved in community projects.

While ESG and CSR have similar goals of making sure businesses do good in the world, they go about it in different ways. ESG is about integrating sustainability into everything a company does, seeing it as crucial for success. CSR, on the other hand, is often seen as extra things a company does on top of its normal operations.


But it's not a choice between one or the other. Companies can use both ESG and CSR together to have an even bigger positive impact. ESG helps companies build sustainability into their core, making sure they're doing good all the time. CSR gives them a chance to connect with people and communities in meaningful ways, showing that they care about more than just making money.

As ESG continues to grow, it shows that people expect more from companies than just making profits. They want transparency and accountability, and they want businesses to be part of the solution to big problems like climate change and inequality.


In the end, ESG and CSR work together to make companies better citizens of the world. By thinking about the environment, society, and how they're governed, and by taking action to make a positive impact, businesses can help build a better, more sustainable future for everyone.

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Sai Kiran
Category Corporate Law   Report



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