Interview Techniques - An Analysis of Practical Tools

CS SIDDHARTHA BANIK , Last updated: 21 June 2013  


It has become a hot topic at CS/CA Fraternity regarding unavailability of suitable jobs at the market. For one new opening, several candidates placed their candidature. As a result competition has increased in manifold. Partly dismal state of economy can be blamed for the same. Also growing number of qualified CS/CA is another reason. In this scenario, it has become essential that a newly qualified CS/CA or other candidates should learn the various etiquette of Interview Techniques. The purpose of this article is to provide purely practical information regarding Interview Technique. Here I have explained various practical tools for developing and implementing interview skills.

Interview starts even before the candidates actually attend the interview venue for personal round of interview. It starts from the time the candidate receives telephone enquiries from the HR department of the recruiting organization asking his/her interest for the respective opening. It means if someone is looking for any new job, then one need to keep himself/herself mentally prepared at all time. Candidate may receive interview call even at 9.o’clock at night also.

The candidate should remain calm and mentally prepared before replying the telephonic queries. He/She should be polite, properly listen and understand the question of the person other side of the telephone and should try to give the most fitted and reasonable answer. Here, the candidates should use his professional diplomacy while answering question.

This listening also give vital clue to the candidate regarding the expectation of the employer from a new appointee, and in turn help a candidate to keep himself/herself well prepared for the personal round of discussion of the interview process.


One needs to have proper interview practice. One needs to refine his technique and improve their skill continuously. This requires practice.  Whenever at the interview, the interviewer asks any question, the candidate should try to give proper and most suited reply. Through practice one can learn this technique better.

To prepare for an Interview, use the following technique:

1. One needs to improve his/her common sense. If the candidates is already in a job and looking for a change, then his/her daily office activities can also give him/her little bit of practice. Whenever your boss asks a question try to remain calm and try to give a good reply.

2. Candidates should greet the interviewer with respect.

3. Their body language should not show any depression/negativity. Negativity should at best be avoided.

4. Take suitable steps to avoid body odour. One can use mild deo /perfume etc.


Interview venue is a place where the candidate needs to recite his/her own story. Some people fail to tell his/her own story well. They feel their story is a story of depression and what to tell it again and again. This may give him/her a negative marking at the interview.

Therefore, practice to express your own story well. One should learn to recite their own story well. This again needs regular practice. Also through practice, a candidate gradually learns to mould his /her story based on the situation of the interview board. What I want to mean here is that the candidates should try to judge the interview board and should take a quick decision regarding the fact that which part of his/her own story should be given stress.


Following are the some of the very common question candidates faced at the interview:

1. Please tell something about yourself, your family background, education etc.

2. Please tell us something about your working experience;

3. What is your strong and weak area!

4. What is your major achievement!


The candidate should keep their logistics ready well before the actual interview. Following articles should be kept ready before the actual interview:

1. Proper interview dress;

2. Well structured Resume;

3. Blue Pen;

4. Attested Copy of educational and experience certificates.

5. Certificate of Achievements/ Awards if any;

6. Interview Letter;


Interview dress has lots of significance. It gives your first impression. Therefore, try to wear most suited, clean corporate dress. Jeans, t-shirt, colored shoes should be avoided. By saying clean corporate dress, I don’t like to mean a very expensive dress. Whatever dress you wear, please be sure that it gives you a sober look. White shirt and Black Pant with Black leather shoes, and a tie is well respected interview dress for boys. Girls can wear a black overcoat along with suit.  The first thing we notice about someone is their appearance, and more specifically, the way they are dressed. According to a study by Frank Bernieri, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at Oregon State University, within the first 10 seconds of meeting your interviewer--otherwise known as the meet-and-greet--that person has decided whether or not you're right for the job. Those who come across as polished and pulled together are quite simply more likely to be hired than those who are seen as putting in less effort.


Resume is undoubtedly one of the most crucial documents that one needs to carry at the interview board. Through this document a candidate showcases his talents to the recruiter. This is also the first written documents produced by a candidate to the recruiter. Hence, it is essential to learn the real anatomy of a good resume. It should be constructed with great caution, sincerity & honesty.  

A candidates should also remember the fact that before appearing the interview board, he/she should thoroughly review his/her resume & try to memorize the matters written in the Resume.

It is observed that, in some cases, due to urge of representing his/her candidature with great jeal, some candidate incorporate in his/her resume a few fact or activities in which he/she has very little or no knowledge. As a result when the recruiter tries to ascertain the in-depth knowledge of the candidate on that particular subject, the candidate fail to reply suitable and in the process attains negative comments from the interviewer. Therefore, this type of habit gives wrong impression only and should at best be avoided.



Researching a company is a very important step of job interview. The respective authority of the employer organization should always try to recruit the most suited candidates. In turn they also need to show their performance to their respective boss. Appointing a wrong candidate will be very costly to them in terms of their own performance as well as to the organization also. It will surely have negative impact on their credibility.

Therefore, before short listing a candidate they must ensure that the candidate has due interest to work with the organization and with the profile. So, it is highly advisable that the candidates before attending the personal round of the interview- thoroughly research the company. For this he can go through the website of the organization. Understand the activities/produce, business segment of the company, brief particulars of the Directors, KMP, working style of the company etc.

Other modern techniques to understand the company, its person in power and your expected boss and various problems, difficulties, major activities related your expected job profile going on in the organization is to review various social networking site like LinkedIn, Facebook etc. If the candidates understand the expectation of the organization from a new appointee, then it will be easier for the candidate to perform better at the interview, to recite his own story well, to mould the story based on the requirement of the employer.

Other source to know the employer is Recruitment consultant, Financial Journals, Press news.

If the recruiter is a listed company, then don’t forget to review the announcement and other information available at the stock exchange portal. In fact, in case of listed company it is easier to collect data about the company as these companies need to maintain lots of transparency. 

Information can be obtained from Recruitment Consultant also. But it is possible that Recruitment Consultant can provide you only those data that were given to them by the company only. These data my be inadequate for your requirement.

Therefore, one needs to research sincerely. For senior level of position like Company Secretary one needs to spend number of hours gathering information about the company, its KMPs. Directors, Competitors, market environment etc. to stay ahead from other candidates.


Expert knowledge of core subject area is another essential element. One always need to keep themselves updated on the core subject area of their activities, various development happening around and its implementations. At CS level of job knowing of implementation of academic knowledge is essential.


A candidate should keep his approach business like. He should approach the negotiation in an objective business like manner. Don’t confuse your own worth with that of the recruiting company gives the worth to a particular position.

Last but not the list a candidate should learn to maintain eye contract with the employer. In between communication make your eye contact properly with the interviewer with whom you communicate. Your body language/movement should be professional alike.

Also, learn to understand the Interviewer through his/her body language. An interviewer’s body language such as facial expressions and body movements (e.g., nodding, raising eyebrows, frowning) communicates a lot to the candidate. Try to mould your own story or other communications to attract the attention of the Interviewer.


B.Com(Hons), LL.B,FCS

(Company Secretary)                                                                                               

Email id: sbanik_cs@yahoo.co.in; pj_law_solution@yahoo.in

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