Important Things to do when you are about to write exams

CA Vijeta Verma , Last updated: 05 October 2013  

As October is already started, it’s only a month left to prepare your best to give your best to get best results.I am here discussing some of the important things that will definitely help examinees.

(1) Anxiety and stress- No doubt as examination approaches everyone feels some pressure, intensity of the pressure depends upon how honestly you have prepared for exams. It should always be remembered that any kind stress at this crucial time will drastically thrash your confidence and will also absorb your energy completely. And in case,whatever you learn/practice at this time, you will not be able to recall it wholly when you will be writing your exams. Everyone knows that in exam days you can’t revise whole book in a day until and unless you have done a lot of homework.

So, no matter how you prepare, but atleast exclude this portion of stress and anxiety else you have to do the same work twice/thrice and that too with not much satisfaction. A little bit stress only till it motivates you is important and beyond that it will only hamper your future.

(2) Positive Attitude- A positive mind set up is very very important at this time and also till the time you finish your exams,it will not only boost your self confidence but will also provide you maximum output when you are already running out of clock.Some good tips at this moment-

(a) keep visiting regularly some good parks in your locality ,as nature’s has abundance of positive and healing energy.

(b) keep doing deep breathing exercises, as it is very good to calm down the nervous system and stimulate your mind positively.

(c) Long and continuous sitting hours for studies may irritate your backbone and thereby disturb the flow of energy and blood circulation in your body,pay special attention to your posture.

(d) Music,considered as one of the great stress buster.It would be better if you can include a slow volume instrumental music in your study room.

(e) Excercises,yoga ,brisk walking not only stimulates the mind but also helps in good blood circulation and scientifically proven to increase the work efficiency.So, maintain a schedule for this ,even in your exam days.

(3) During your exam days

(a) stay away from negative people,any kind of after exam discussion as it will only disturb you or give you over excitement and you will not be able to give your best for remaining papers by continuosly thinking about previous papers

(b) After your paper is over,just forget it completely ,no matter how good/bad it went.Remember,what is done can’t be undone.

(c) Do not drop your group even if initial papers didn’t go well.Many times I have seen people who were not expecting even 30-40 marks,got around 45-50 marks sufficient enough to give you a good base for that 200 marks edge.

(d) Do not study whole night, as once your sleeping pattern is disturbed your mind will automatically stop working properly. Atleast 6-7 hours sleep is extremely important to calm your nervous system and boost your energy levels for next day.

(e) Keep in touch with your seniors and listen to their strategies.Look at the suggested answers of atleast one attempt.

(f) Stick to one book only and do sufficient homework with that one book only.

(g) Do not solve more than 4-5 selected numerical of every chapter.just go through the important points of different types of questions.A day before exam is not a day to clear concept, that you must have done in your preparation.

(h) Include RTP and practice manual in your preparation.It will help you a lot. ICAI always asks question based on study material and practice manual,so do not leave.

(i) Prepare very short and to the point notes of every chapter.Your own hand written notes will be very very easy to revise and recall everything in less time.

(j) In that 15 minute time,do not waste your time by solving a practical question,but just keep in mind all the important points and form a strategy for solving anwers.

(4) While answering a question,consider the following:

(a) Pay special attention to your presentation style and handwriting.

(b) Even if your handwriting is not good,then try to atleast write your answers neatly and maintain appropriate space between every two word.

(c) Write your answers in POINTS only.It is an excellent way of presenting your answer and will definitely fetch more marks then a paragraph style writing.

(d) Do not leave a single question,no matter even if you know only 1% about it.

(e) If your are against the clock,then leave totaling work for the end.

(f) If you are against the clock but good at theory then attempt a theory question.It may give you not full marks but if you attempt a practical question in hush and get stuck in a point then it will be very dangerous at that time.

(g) Maintain your speed from the beginning,attempt at 1st only at that question(whether theoretical or numerical) in which you are 100% sure.If you are picking a theory question then try to start your paper with that question in which you can write sections and name of decided case laws. But do not quote wrong case law or section. Instead of doing this ,do not quote a section at all.

(h) Make an image of your dreams in your mind and keep focusing on that. Remember, you will get only what you attract in life.

(5) Do not drop your attempt even if you are not prepared for it completely or with the motive of getting top marks.It is only a demotivating thought.Whatever you have to, do it now. Do not procrastinate your work even by a single day.

All the best to all the Future CAs.



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Published by

CA Vijeta Verma
(ACA,B.com,job,motivational speaker.)
Category Students   Report

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