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I'm going to start my studies from tomorrow :)

CA Nayan Gupta , Last updated: 12 January 2015  

All of us must have heard or used this term ‘Procrastination’ innumerable times. So, let us first understand what WikiPedia says about meaning of the term.

Wikipedia Meaning-

Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the "last minute" before the deadline.

In simple terms, we procrastinate when we put off things that we should be focusing on right now, usually in favor of doing something that is more enjoyable or that we’re more comfortable doing.

Our brains love to procrastinate/ defer important tasks as the other path is more interesting or may be the other thing is comparatively easier. I have my CA final exams in May’15 (yup, just 3.5 months left now) and I am writing this article, watching PK movie for the third time, facebooking, checking mails, Whatsapp messages etc. Considering the approaching exams, I don’t think any of these activities is more important for me right now but still I am doing these because these are easier for me or more interesting for me than studying.

In last one month I may have asked many people the techniques/ ways to study for longer hours. I think the only solution for long hours study or to avoid procrastination is to understand and appreciate what we are supposed to do at a particular time, why we started off with this and analyze whether our actions are in conformity with our goals and brining modification of our actions, if required.

I want to share few tips, given to me by others, which I think that most of us may be already knowing:

i. Prepare a To Do list at start of the day;

ii. Review your To Do at end of the day;

iii. Prepare study plan (Appropriate time for studying and revision);

iv. Switching off phones/ other distractions while studying (I am completing against those opting for complete disconnect during exam days);

v. Eating light (More eat means more sleep);

vi. The most important thing is to implement what you have planned.

Now movie finished, so is my article smiley Enjoy. Happy Studying. Best of luck to all my friends having their exams in this coming May. smiley

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CA Nayan Gupta
(Finance Manager, Overcart.com)
Category Exams   Report

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