How to recover your lost CA related documents?

Lisha Bansal , Last updated: 25 April 2019  

Many times, students and professionals lose their CA mark sheets, registration letter etc. They might not receive such documents in the first place.

In such a scenario, various E-Services provided by ICAI can be availed. Some of them are listed below:

1. ICAI reprint letter

  1. Visit
  2. Select the type of letter from drop down list. It ranges from CPT to completion of articleship.
  3. This service is available for both students and members. Select the applicable type.
  4. Fill all the required details: registration number, date of birth and Captcha code.

You will be able to access the document.

I availed ICAI reprint letter service while getting enrolled for ITT training. I checked the date of registration in IPCC by selecting the relevant item from drop down list.

 2. E-Sahaayataa

The E-Sahaayataa portal is an e-channel for the members and students of the Institute wherein all their queries/complaints/grievances pertaining to the day to day working are catered to and resolved by ICAI. It helps to eliminate the operational bottlenecks and smoothen the flow of the education process of Chartered Accountancy. 


  1. You need to create your account on, in case you don’t have it already.
  2. Go to Post Grievance section.
  3. In post grievance, you will find three options (Master group): Regions, Committees and Departments.
  4. You have to select subsections under the Master group.
  5. Select the relevant activity and type of problem.

Description: C:\Users\HP\Desktop\CAclubindia\2.png

  1. Enter your grievance giving all the details.
  2. Choose and upload an attachment, if any.
  3. The grievance is finally posted.

Description: C:\Users\HP\Desktop\CAclubindia\4.png

It takes a period of 7 to 15 days to resolve the query. Once it gets resolved, you can see ‘View Action’.

Description: C:\Users\HP\Desktop\CAclubindia\6.png

3. Apply for duplicate marksheet

Online method:

  1. Visit
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Click on 'Apply for Duplicate marksheet' tab.
  4. Fill the online form i.e. basic information and details

  1. You will be required to upload a scanned copy of your handwritten request.
  2. Make online payment.

Offline method:

You are required to furnish the following details along with your request:

  • Copy of mark sheet for which you require duplicate mark sheet/s (if available). If not available, furnish your Registration Number, Month & Year of appearance and Roll Number for which you require duplicate mark sheet.
  • A fee of Rs.100/- per duplicate mark sheet should be remitted through Demand Draft in favour of the Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, payable at New Delhi – 110002. In case you have not received your mark statement within 6 weeks of the declaration of result and send a request for duplicate mark statement within two months of the declaration of result, you are not required to pay any fee.
  • Your postal address, telephone number etc.

You shall receive the mark sheet within 20 days of receipt of your request.

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Published by

Lisha Bansal
(CA Finalist)
Category Students   Report

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