'डरमुझेभीलगाफ़ासलादेखकर, परमैंबढ़तागयारास्तादेखकर.
खुदबखुदमेरेनज़दीकआतीगई, मेरीमंज़िलमेराहौंसलादेखकर..!!'
Who says it is easy? It's not easy I know, but never forget that the best lessons of life are learned only through a tough time. I know your background may not be so strong & even no educated person is there in your family but anyhow you have to change it & you can do it I know. Don't compare yourself with others as your fight is not with others but with your situations.
The easiest option in everyone's life is to give up & the same was also with me. It took almost 5 years to clear a single level of CA exam out of 3 levels. Based on my experience, I say that I truly understand what' going on in your mind. It was very easy for me to give an excuse. Even some of my teachers said, 'forget this course as this is not for you'.

Let's take some examples for the CA/CS/CMA Course where is a huge difference between the input & output of students. Give up is a common word in these courses.
- Correspondences in nature where no regular college or class, that's why a feeling of involvement doesn't come
- A different phase of this course has its different existence in itself.
- Less involvement in student activities or fewer opportunities to make new connections & friends.
- The result rate is below 10% (Average)
- Last but not least you have to go office at a very early age without getting any appreciation & salary. The reason why you get frustrated by life.
First of all, you have to understand this is not a feeling which is heating you but it is common. The above-mentioned reason is totally out of your control. Now just think, the things for which you are not responsible, then why be tensed. Just give your best & ignore the rest. Only 1% of people get success in life who later on becomes a source of inspiration for others, now you have to think about on which bracket you want to see yourself either in 1% or 99%.
Some Important Tips for YOU
- Be financially independent as soon as possible, as finance is the main factor for giving up in many cases.
- Don't forget that, you are doing some special course, so you should be prepared mentally about this course & even about the required time to clear the exam.
- Try to recall the reason why you had started, if your purpose(why) is strong then, problems will not affect you. And If you are unable to figure out your purpose then create one&link your purpose with emotions.
- Don't disconnect yourself from your circle, many of the time we forcefully disconnect ourselves from others in a rude manner, you should learn the art of managing relationships.
- Remind yourself that, this situation will not be forever in your life.
Inspirational Quotes
- 'You might have failed, but you're not a failure until you give up'- Sandeep Maheshwari
- 'Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself' - Bill Gates
- 'If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can't just sit back & hope it will happen. you have to make it happen' - Chuck Norrish