Hello, I don't think I need to mention out out anything about today's article, it's title speaks about everything. So let's start:
1) Don't create stress
Yes, I said it right. Don't create stress in your life because of your negative peers. Most of the people create a stressful situation for themselves, but in reality, the situation is not so horrible.
Here are the tips which can help you out to come out of the people with negative attitude:
a) Think Differently: Practice the art of
noticing stress, noticing how your thinking makes you stressed.
b) Quit work: Finding something you truly love to do, that you're passionate
about, will help to create a positive life.
c) Stop over analyzing each and every action and reaction of your peers.
d) Get some support: Accepting help from trusted friends and family members can
improve your ability to manage stress.
2) Surround yourself with people you want to be
Always surround yourself with people whom you love, whom you respect, like you want to be. Just ignore thousands of people living out there, who want to always try to misguide you, who want you to live a life of their choice, who want to you to do what they wanted. Just listen to your instinct, and move forward.
3) Express positive energy
How to do it?
Try out these things:
a) Make Yourself a Priority
b) Use Positive words
c) Be Kind to Yourself - Take care of yourself, give time for yourself
d) Respect yourself -Self-respect is valuing yourself for who you are, and not
allowing others to dictate your value, beliefs, principles
Free yourself from past resentments and disappointments about who you were yesterday. Stop engaging in self-blame and guilt for past acts and omissions. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Revel in it.
4) Be kind and humble to others
You don't need to kill people who treated you callously, kill them with your kindness. It will help out to avoid unnecessary battles. Try out the following: Kill them with your smile, keep positive vibes only, let hater's do their jobs, silence is gold and don't lose your cold side.
The author can also be reached at jainshobhit1996@gmail.com