How to crack the professional exams easily?

Sagar , Last updated: 10 April 2017  

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember,
involve me and I understand”

Many students say that it require quite hard work to crack the exams of the professional courses like CA, CS, CMA. But it is not correct as it is because many students have passed these exams without any HARD WORK. Then, the question arises that Why some student cracks these exams easily at the same time some students find these exams most difficult?

Reasons are hidden in the tendency or attitude of students towards these exams.

Following are analysis of the students:



They don't prepare proper study plan.

They prepare proper study plan and study accordingly.

They study according to time basis i.e. like 12 hours per day

They emphasize on topic wise study and according to quality time.

They focuses on more and more study.

They focus on more and more LEARNING.

They believes in quantity based study.                                         

They believes in QUALITY based study.       

They don't believe in self analysis like self SWOT analysis.

They prepare study plan according to proper self analysis.

Confidence to face exam is low.

Confidence to face exam is very high.

No Motivation. Their focus is on what they don't have.

Self motivated. Their  focus is  on what they are having.

For successful completion of professional courses you need to use study concepts in your day to day life like SWOT analysis. First of all you need to realize your strengths and weakness. Instead of focusing on weaknesses you must concentrate on your strengths then try to overcome your weakness. You must understand how to correlate the theoretical knowledge to different practical situation or things. It will help you to remember topic for long time. Students must learn practical subject like accountancy, costing etc with understanding, actively building new knowledge from experience and prior knowledge.

Studying and learning is different concept. i.e. Study is the step to learning.

Proper flow of the process to pass the professional exams is as follows:

Most of the students don't understand the importance of PROPER STUDY PLAN and LEARNING. Both are most important stages not only for passing the exam but also in your hole professional life after becoming the professional. This article is not only for passing the exams but this will help you to become a successful professional.

Following is the proper process to crack the exams:

Proper study plan saves your time, it will help to cover all topics within time and you can have proper revision as per study plan.

Learning is important because it boosts confidence, study becomes enjoyable and it provides happiness, leads to create long lasting knowledge base.

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