How to crack CA Finals- Tips & Tricks

Riya Gaur , Last updated: 06 March 2020  

As we all know CA Final exams are in less than 2 months and everybody must be stressed out. I would like to help all my CA Final friends out there with some tips and tricks which actually helped me in clearing my CA Finals with 3 exemptions.

So, Everybody who is attempting CA Final exams is already pretty smart and hardworking. So, if it is your first attempt then you must know what things help to clear the exams and if it is not your first attempt then you have more knowledge and more understanding of books & syllabus. Therefore, I am not going to tell you where your knowledge lacks because that is not the case with any CA student. I am going to tell you in which direction you need to put your efforts to crack one of the toughest exams.

I hope this article helps all of you to prepare, attempt & clear your CA Finals and make everyone proud.

How To Prepare

Practice Manual/Supplements and RTP

Everyone must cover Practice Manual & supplements and don't put it off for later, cover it along with the chapters. It may take up extra hours but it will be worth it.

Everybody covers RTP Right? But don't just cover this attempt's RTP, make sure you cover up RTP of atleast past 3 attempts without fail.

Short Notes and Charts

All of you must've already heard about the importance of short notes but when we try to make short notes we always feel like it is taking too much of our precious time. So I am not asking you to study everything and then to start making short notes.

All I am asking you is to write crux of all the long paras on the side of it in the language you're most comfortable with because it saves a lot of time during revision. Do the same with theory questions of Practice Manual (Especially AS & SA).

Case Laws

How to crack CA Finals- Tips and Tricks

Cover new case laws as much as you can. Cover all the case laws given in the RTP

Auditing Practical Questions - A Big No No

We have a whole separate subject of Audit, so why audit the practical questions also? You don't audit the practical questions, you practice the practical questions.

Take up the Topics Which are Similar

Always try taking up the similar topics one after another. For example, if you are revising SFM, take up Dividend, Bonds and Mutual Funds together or take up Capital Budgeting & Leasing together.

There is no Trend

Do not try finding trend in papers and rely on that because ICAI does not follow trends and we have other courses for that. Right?

SA and AS must be your Priority

Don't skip SA and AS & cover as much questions as you can.

So now preparation part is done but you must wonder if there are any tips to attempt the question paper. Here are some most important tips which will definitely help you in examination hall.

How To Attempt

Reading Time Given is the Most Important Time (Most Important Tip)

Am I kidding? Definitely no. So everyone wonders why only 15 minutes are given when you cant read the whole question paper in that little time. But you must utilise that time in the most efficient way.

Start reading your question paper backwards as all of us know that 1st question is compulsory so no matter what you'll have to attempt that question. So in those 15 minutes you must decide which questions you're going to attempt. Tick the questions you're sure about and are going to attempt.

Always underline the questions. We are well aware about DON'T WRITE ON QUESTION PAPER POLICY and ICAI is pretty serious about it as well but no one said anything about underlining the questions. So, make sure while reading the question paper you underline all the important facts, figures and tricky points of the question because it saves a lot of time when you start attempting the question.

Attempt Those Questions First Which You're Sure About

It boosts your confidence if you know the sure shot answer and it also gives the examiner an impression that you know what you're doing.

Somehow if you get stuck and can't remember what was to be done next then leave the space and move on to next question.

Make Your Answer Sheet as Presentable as You Can

Make sure that you are catching the attention of the examiner with your presentation skills. Write in points if you know the whole answer otherwise go for paras and underline only that part which you're sure about.

PRO TIP: Never discuss your question paper once you come out of examination hall because it stresses you out and affects the preparation of other subjects also.

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Riya Gaur
Category Students   Report

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