How to become a master in Accounts, Costing & FM/SFM subject?

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 14 March 2011  

Hello friends & Sir,

Firstly I Thanks to all CCI Members to give huge response to my first article (10 Lessons from Ireland vs. England match) and also thanks to CCI admin to approve my first article.

Now I come with my second article & hope you like this also.

We must know just one question to become a Master in Accounts, Costing & FM / SFM subjects. WHY?

This Why? Help you to understand the concept & logics behind the topics.

Every times we found in the examiners comments that the students knowledge about the basic concept is weak or poor. This type of comments we read always.

So, this time I come with the solution for this. Hope it may help you in your study & exams also.

  1. Start study of this subject with basics. Do your basics strong before start solving the practical problems.
  2. Whenever you start with new topics in these subjects ask yourself Why? If you manage to know the why? Then you can easily understand these topics.
  3. Try to understand the practical aspects of these subjects.
  4. After reading basics fundas, discuss with your friends. So you will get the new ideas from your friends & they also get the new ideas from you.
  5. Read the theory of the topics carefully before start any practical problem and try to solve the problem after completing your theory.
  6. Take some real life examples in your mind when you read the theory (e.g. your family business).It will help a lot for quick understanding of concepts & logics of hard topics. It will also help you to remember concepts & logics permanently in your mind.
  7.  Dont see the solution first, try yourself first. Then you get the idea that How much you have understood from this?
  8. Take the topics sequentially so the your link of the study will not be break.
  9. Write the working note for every problem in easy manner so the examiners understand easily.
  10. Prepare your own notes for revision purpose and for future reference.

Read the theory carefully to understand the concept & basics of the topics.

Read the formulas & try to understand the logics behind this.

Try to understand the implementation of these formulas & solved the problems on this first.

Start to solve practical problems with easy questions. So it can help you to go step by step toward hard problems. So you can easily understand the hard problems also.

Group Discussion :- After completing your all the concepts & basics of the topics & preparation of all topics from your side. Then prepare the list of topics which you understand & which you not understand. It gives you the clear idea about your preparation and go for group discussion. Always remembers in practical subjects group discussion play very important role. Because here the ideas of two & more peoples are share.

Regular revision of this subjects & formulas is also very important.

If you know the why (i.e. reason) behind all topics then you will become a master in Accounts, Costing & FM / SFM subjects. I think this is the basic requirement to become  a master in theses all subjects.




Note :- This is my personal opinion & style of the study ,which I want to share with   you . The opinion & style of the study may differ from person to person.

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Member (Account Deleted)
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