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How to be focused while studying

Sagar , Last updated: 18 July 2018  

1. Set study goals

When setting study goals and study tasks, the most important thing to do is be honest and realistic with yourself and your ability to study. You don’t need to make a strict study goal that you can’t deviate from. On the contrary; it’s recommended that you keep it as flexible as possible. If you finish studying a subject before you thought you would, you’ll be able to modify the study plan accordingly.

2. Find a suitable studying environment

Your choice of study space can influence your level of concentration. Choose a study space with good lighting and ventilation, which is a tidy, organized and pleasant place to work. This will help reduce distraction.

3. Collect revision materials before you begin studying

Keep all your study material in one place so that you don’t have to look for notes at the last minute. This way, you will not waste time once you settle down to study.

4. Learn to say no

Being unable to say no can make you exhausted, stressed and irritable.

5. Get Rid of Obvious Distractions

It's not smart to study with your cell phone on, even if it's set to vibrate. As soon as you get a text, you're going to look. You're human, after all! Putting your phones aside is the key. Instead of putting it ON SILENT, so the cell phone should be off limits and, if necessary, out of the room. 

6. It's All in the Timing

If you're a morning person, choose the a.m. for your study session; if you're a night owl, choose the evening. You know yourself better than anyone else, so choose the time when you're at the height of your brain power and the least tired. Draw up a study timetable that takes into account your energy levels at different times of the day, and stick to it.

7. Get Rid of the Negativity

It's impossible to focus on studying if you have all sorts of negative ideas about studying. If you're one of those people who say, "I hate studying!" or "I'm too upset/tired/sick/whatever to study, then you must learn how to flip those negative statements into positive ones, so you don't automatically shut down when you open up your notes. It's amazing how quickly studying can become an awful burden with just a poor frame of mind. Here are the top three negative statements people make about studying, and a quick, easy way to fix each one of them.

8. Don’t lose motivation

This is where most students lose their stride. Motivation is the key to success because it’s what keeps us going when times are tough. If something seems impossible, make it possible! Don’t give up simply because something is too difficult or it’s taking too much time. Think about the end game.

Happy Learning.

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