How CA exams can be made more transparent?

CA Arun Kumar Tiwari , Last updated: 19 August 2016  

Most of members of CA fraternity and CA students will agree that CA Exams system is severely Non-transparent when it comes to mark allocation. I have listed herewith few issues and possible solutions: -

a) Problem:- ICAI Exam Dept. doesn’t Publish Model Answer-sheet to cross check:- Currently Exam dept. don’t issue any model Answer-sheet, and keep students completely in dark about marking scheme. The Suggested Answers is Published by Board of studies, hence even if student ask for mark revision on basis of Suggested Answers, Exam Dept. shoe them away stating it is not their answer but answer of Board of Studies and they allot mark on their own model Answer-sheet. Exam dept. gives you your Answer-sheet but not Model test paper. Then from where students should cross check their Answers? That’s mean they can literally screw my paper and even I can’t cross check and complain?

Solutions:- ICAI Exam Dept. should Publish Model Answer-sheet to cross check with stepwise mark allocation scheme.

b) Problem:- No Standard for deducting Marks:- Examiners don’t follow any standard for mark allocation (or mark deduction); It all depends on how ICAI want the Pass percentage and mood of examiner. As they’re no Model Answer sheet available to students even they can’t check why marks deducted even the whole answer was correct. Don’t you think in an exam of such caliber, Examiner should be more responsible when awarding or deducting marks? After all it is CA Exam, Each marks can impact someone’s, Career, Job perspective and even Life.

Solutions:- Examiners should write the reason for Deduction, It may consume more time but ICAI will pay them more and even charge students more as exam fees, No-one will mind paying more exam free for transparency

c) Problem:- What ICAI Expects?:- I have always been amazed with Top rankers in CA Exam, After all how they get 90% marks while most of Students struggle to get even 50% or even 40%. It is always a desire to peek into Answer-sheet of such Topers. Apart from that, it will also help Students to know what ICAI expects and how to get good marks. But ICAI had never published it citing privacy issues. How? when ICAI can publish their mark-sheet why not Answer-sheet. After all if these toppers enjoy such limelight they should compromise their privacy a little bit? And it is just answer-sheet, how it impact privacy of toppers?

Solutions: - Publish Answer-sheet of three toppers in each subject.

Are Solutions Practical:- I leave it to readers to decide on practicability. However the most important is intention of ICAI. If they want more students to pass they shouldn’t have any issue to implement these solutions, however if intention is opposite, then it is unlikely ICAI will implement it.

However it is unlikely they will take any steps to help students, until students don’t pressurize ICAI through public Interest Litigation to make CA exams more transparent.

After all it is basic right of all CA Students to know how their Exam papers are evaluated. However it seems ICAI is denying this basic rights.

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Published by

CA Arun Kumar Tiwari
(CA in Practise)
Category Exams   Report

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