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Guntupalli Marble's Fight for Financial Respiration in the Grip of GST Attachment

CA Divyajeet Singh Sabharwal , Last updated: 30 January 2024  

A event of uncertainty and financial paralysis engulfed Guntupalli Marble and Granites (GMG) in November 2023 when the GST department froze their bank accounts.

The accusation: an outstanding GST liability of Rs. 6.7 crore. With a single blow, the lifeblood of their operations sputtered, threatening salaries, loan payments, and the very viability of the company. But GMG refused to succumb to the financial asphyxiation. They challenged the department's draconian measures in the Madras High Court, embarking on a legal battle to thaw the frozen grip on their financial arteries.

The court proceedings unfolded like a high-stakes chess game, each side deploying arguments honed to pierce the opponent's armor. GMG's plea was poignant: the very attachment meant to secure tax collection was strangling their ability to generate the revenue needed to comply. They proposed a lifeline – bifurcating their financial channels. One account, at IDBI Bank, would be entrusted solely for GST payments, a dedicated artery pumping resources directly into the government's coffers. The other, at Kotak Mahindra Bank, would remain restricted, but with a conditional escape hatch – a Rs. 5.7 crore bank guarantee, a financial hostage ensuring responsible utilization of the account.

Guntupalli Marble s Fight for Financial Respiration in the Grip of GST Attachment

The GST department, represented by the astute Senior Panel Counsel Rajnish Pathiyil, saw merit in allowing the IDBI Bank channel to flow freely, a pragmatic concession acknowledging the self-defeating nature of the complete freeze. However, the Kotak Mahindra Bank account remained a disputed battleground. The department, understandably wary of potential misuse, clung to the attachment as a shield against perceived irresponsibility.

After a thorough examination of arguments and counter-arguments, Justice Krishnan Ramasamy delivered a judgment that offered GMG a partial, yet crucial, reprieve. The IDBI Bank account thawed, its icy grip loosened to allow the vital flow of funds for GST payments. A sigh of relief rippled through the company, the first trickle of oxygen nourishing their financial lungs.

However, the Kotak Mahindra Bank account remained locked in a frigid stasis. The attachment persisted, a constant reminder of the precariousness of their financial situation. Yet, hope flickered in the form of a conditional release – a Rs. 5.7 crore bank guarantee, a hefty price tag for financial freedom. It was a gamble, a leap of faith that GMG would manage their resources responsibly, demonstrating to the department their commitment to compliance.


But the court's judgment wasn't a one-sided absolution. Justice Ramasamy, acknowledging the gravity of the tax liability, attached a caveat to the IDBI Bank channel. GMG was directed to remit Rs. 50 lakh within two weeks – a tangible gesture of their commitment to clearing their dues. It was a reminder that while the court offered a lifeline, the ultimate responsibility for financial health rested with GMG.

The Guntupalli Marble and Granites saga delves deeper than just a legal squabble over tax dues. It throws into stark relief the potentially debilitating consequences of bank account attachments under the GST regime. While securing tax compliance is paramount, the question arises: at what cost to the financial health of businesses, the lifeblood of the economy? This case becomes a microcosm of the delicate dance between government and industry, a constant balancing act of ensuring compliance without crushing economic engines.


GMG's fight transcends their own predicament. It becomes a battle cry for countless businesses grappling with similar financial strangulation. Their partial victory offers a ray of hope, a precedent for a more nuanced approach to tax enforcement, one that recognizes the intricate interplay between compliance and economic well-being.

However, the journey for GMG remains far from over. The Kotak Mahindra Bank account, locked in frozen stasis, serves as a constant reminder of the financial mountain they must climb. Securing the bank guarantee, managing their resources responsibly, and diligently repaying their dues – these are the challenges that stand between them and true financial respiration.

As they navigate this uphill battle, the Guntupalli Marble and Granites saga serves as a cautionary tale for both policymakers and businesses. It underscores the need for a balanced approach to tax compliance, one that recognizes the delicate ecosystem of the economy and the potentially crippling consequences of wielding financial weapons with blunt force.

The court's partial victory for GMG offers a glimmer of hope, a small crack in the ice that encases their financial arteries. But only time will tell if this crack widens into a full thaw, allowing GMG and countless others to breathe with ease in the grip of the GST regime.

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Published by

CA Divyajeet Singh Sabharwal
(Accounts and Finance Analyst)
Category GST   Report

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