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Guidance for Passing CA Exams-2

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 14 June 2016  




Students commonly believe that numerical problems fetch more marks than a theory question. To some extent, such belief might be true. Hence, it is very important that a student should properly present his solutions for a numerical problem. The following points should be noted.






Ø      Put your working notes clearly and prominently either at the beginning or at the end of your answer, with proper reference numbers in the main solution.


Ø      As far as possible, present the solution neatly, without any overwriting/striking off. If you feel that your answer is wrong, present the correct solution as "alternative working", without striking off the   earlier solution. Sometimes, your initial answer may be correct.


Ø      When a formula is applied, give the formula first, before proceeding with the computation. Further, explain abbreviations if any, used in the formula.


Ø      If any step is supported by a rule of law/AS/SAP, give reference to Sec.No/AS No.etc.If you are not sure of the particular Sec.No., it is advisable not to mention it. It will not result in adverse marking.


Ø      If you ignore any information in the question as irrelevant for the answer, explain as to why it is irrelevant. Communicate to the examiner that you have ignored the information on account of your  "knowledge" to disregard it, and not due to your own "ignorance" to treat the information properly.


Ø      Keep your cool if your final answer is not satisfactory (e.g Balance Sheet does not tally). You can still get your step marks, for the correct working notes. 






Ø      Do not perform any mental calculation or in your calculator. If any such calculation is performed, display it to the examiner in the form of a separate working note.


Ø      Do not make unrealistic and questionable assumptions for practical problems and use them to support your answer. 









1.       List all things that you should take to the exam hall viz. Hall Ticket, Pens, Pencils, Rulers, Erasers, Calculator, Writing Pad etc.Check whether you are taking these items daily, with reference to the list.


2.       Have sufficient rest and sleep, atleast seven hours during the night. Ensure that your mind is sleeps and rests before the exam hours and not during the exam hours.


3.       Take rest, (preferably a nap and not a long sleep) after you return from an examination. Revise for the next exam with a fresh mind.


4.       Revise the various topics from your notes, Institute's study papers, RTP's and suggested answers.


5.       Stop studying atleast two hours before the examination. What you cannot learn in hundreds of hours of preparation and revision earlier, cannot be crammed into your mind in two hours.


6.       Reach the exam centre, atleast half an hour before the commencement of exam. Avoid unnecessary tension due to traveling / commuting delays.


7.       Occupy your seat atleast 15 minutes prior to commencement of examination and meditate, if possible.



8.       Strictly adhere to the rules contained in the "Instructions to Candidates" provided by the Institute.






1.       Do not discuss any important questions/problems before entering the examination hall with your   friends, irrespective of the strength of your friendship. Any wrong presumption may have negative effect and prevent you from exercising your full efficiency.


2.       Do not have "carry over effect" of the previous examination. Once the exam paper is handed over, it is beyond your reach. Do not let it disturb your mind and affect the subsequent examinations.


3.       Do not discuss the solutions / approaches / answers of any paper with friends, after the exam is   over. Rush to your place to have 1-2 hours sleep, and start preparing for the next exam.


4.       Do not hand over your answer paper much earlier than 3 hours, even though you may have completed the paper. Give yourself sufficient time for review and checking.


5.       Do not award yourself any marks and brood over the same. While a reasonable estimate of marks can be done after all the examinations, it is advisable to let the examiner do his duty of awarding marks.


6.       Do not indulge in extremely physical activities. Maintaining physical well-being is a must during the exam days.


7.       Do not study any new reference book or any other new material.


8.       Do not resort to any "unfair means" in the examinations. 












·        Answer each question carrying independent marks, on a fresh page.


·        Answer theory questions in a logical fashion, bringing out the captions/ side-headings in CAPITAL LETTERS.


·        Try to answer all sub-divisions of a question continuously. 



            Do's in the examination hall:



·        Total examination time is 180 minutes. About 30 minutes will be spent in reading questions and also in end-review. Hence, the effective time available is 150 minutes, for answering 100 marks.Only 1½ minutes can be spent for every mark. A question/problem for 16 marks must be completed within 24 minutes. You may take extra 4-5 minutes if you are confident that the answer is fully   correct. Else, go to the next question immediately. Otherwise, you may not be able to answer a question for want of time.


·        Write the answers legibly such that the examiner can read them and award marks accordingly. Answers can be said to be properly presented only when the examiner is able to read and   appreciate them. Though all students may not be blessed with a good handwriting, regular practice can be of great help.


·        Manage your time in such a way to ensure that you spend atleast five minutes in the end towards review, whether you have answered all questions, numbered them properly. 






·        Do not use red ink / sketch for underlining important points.


·        Do not overshoot the limit for any question writing beyond the scope of marks.


·        Do not employ bad handwriting to suppress your ignorance in any question. It only amplifies your ignorance further. 

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