GSTR 2A Reconciliation Advanced Excel Format

Madhan Krishnan , Last updated: 28 February 2021  

Update: A New GST Form-2B - Auto Drafted ITC Statement has been inserted by CBIC after Form-2A. Read about the particulars and format of the new GST Form-2B here.

Many GST Taxpayers Struggling (While Filing GST Annual Return -GSTR 9) to GST Inputs Reconciliation GSTR 2A. Here Introducing GSTR 2A Reconciliation Excel format for Simplifying the Reconciliation of GSTR2 A Data(Online Generated) with Your GST input Data.

Just copy & paste Data from GSTR 2A (Online Imported data) and Your GSTR (Input) Workings in this Excel Sheet and you will get the following Results,

1. GSTR Not Filed Tax Payers (With GST Value)

2. GSTR Filed by Suppliers but We not Taken Input

3. GSTR Filed by Suppliers With Shortage of GST(For Instance, A Supplier GST Filed for 11 Months but GST Invoice issued for 12 months, Supplier A Issued Invoice Value Rs. 10,000 But return Filed as Rs. 1,000, Etc.,)

4. GSTR Filed By Suppliers With Excess (For Instance, if We have lost any Input invoice for not taken input credit - Supplier A Issued 3 Nos(Inv No. 1,2,3) invoices for Apr 17 but we have taken input only 2(Inv No. 1,2) Nos of invoice) 

5. Overall The summary sheet explains the difference between Your GST Input taken(Workings) & GSTR 2A Online Data for Take steps to Rectification.

To download GSTR2 A Advanced excel utility. Please click here

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Published by

Madhan Krishnan
Category GST   Report

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31 October 2020 Madhan Krishnan

Hi all, Now release GSTR 2a Reconciliation Upgraded v.10 (1st Gen). if you want to moredetails please click below link

24 February 2021  Husseini
Thank you for sharing gstr2A reconcilation format V.11

03 October 2019 DEEPENDRA CHAD

Dear sir thank you very much for sharing us best Reconciliation sheet for gstr2A

05 September 2019 shiv kumar singh kushwah

Dear Sir , Dear Sir , your utility is very useful but it is not working on huge data, so kindly request you to improve and obligate us

20 August 2019 Manoj Gore

nice format but not working on huge data of 2A online and huge line item of inward resigter.

13 August 2019 ANAND

Dear Sir, Thank you very much share the valuable information for us, it is easy to work on GST Returns

13 August 2019 sundaram

Dear Sir, I am very happy because your GST Tool very Nice furnish Half Day

12 August 2019 Rupjyoti Gogoi

nice article

12 August 2019 karthi

Sir, Your article is Sound so good and Very Useful. GSTR - 2 A Reconciliation Tool is performance is Very Good. We have some difficulties and Take Too time while Removing Bold Characters & Spaces removing in Downloaded reconciliation of GSTR2 A data. So, Please arrange Tool for Bold letter & Space removing and it's use full for us. Thanking You Sir.

12 August 2019  Madhan Krishnan
Dear Mr. Karthik, Thank you for your comments. Excel Utility for GSTR 2 A Online Data's Bold letters and Spaces removing will be released few days. This tool will help to reconciliation the Data easily.

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