Golden rules on Resume Writing And Interview Tips

CA-CWA RAVI , Last updated: 07 January 2011  

Hello friends today I have come up with my second Article and really important one for the students who have just cleared the exams and seeking a good job for making their destiny true.

In fact A Well organized Resume and good Interview skills ( on our part ) are the most important one beside our knowledge in the fields covered by Respected Chartered Accountancy course.

These tips have been organized by me after attending the great Modular Training programmed ( just alike GMCS in CA ) based on knowledge shared by eminent people like Mridul Tondon , Ravish Bhateja, Amitabh Banerjee and all others.

Some Questions which worry every fresh CA/CWA/CS looking for his/her firstjob are "What should I write in my resume

What should i write in it".

The answer is how you present yourself in that resume will go a long way towards getting youyour first job. A resume is a mirror of your professional identity. Awell-defined resume impresses a recruiter. A sloppy resume immediatelyproclaims the candidate to be sloppy.

Some of the Do's and Dont's for the resume writing are summarized as follows :

Design and outlet

Follow a simple design, which gives maximum information in the minimumnumber of pages. The lengthier Your CV, it loses its importance. Ideal should be maximum 2 pages for entry level freashers like us. Use an easy to read and commonly used font like 'Times New Roman' or 'Verdana or Ariel.' Limit your font size to 10-11. Do not underlineheavily.

WORD USAGE Simple language, lucid expression with good grammar is the thumb rule.
Watch your tenses (Grammar) carefully (one major error made by people are using third form of verb with DID instead first form should be used and usings with the first and second person which instead be used with third person like He/she etc.Use short and simple sentences. And never-evermake the mistake of using long words just to impress the recruiter. Difficult words are for speeches; keep them away from your resume.

OBJECTIVE One of the most frequently heard complaints made by recruiters aboutfresh entrantsresumes is that they lack a specific objective. Resumes of freshCA/CS/CWA have Vague, general objectives or no objective at all. Mentioning aspecific objective is by far the most important feature of an entry- level resume.Without goal clarity you are bound to drown in the sea of mediocrity.

One of the vague objective most commonly used by the fresh entrants is "My objective is to work with a dynamic company which will fullyutilize my talents

" is a complete no-no! This objective is worthless because itgives the potential employer no idea about your goals or your direction.

Your objective should be clear, well-defined and short-not more than 10-12words.. It should be aimed towards getting a particular position in a specificindustry. Thus your objective should talk about the following:
1. Position wanted
2. Functional area
3. Industry wanted


Fresher resume doesn't suffer from space constraint.

However it is a goodidea to include only those educational and professional are qualifications whichare relevant. People write that they have done Diploma in computers apart from CA!! (Instead of putting a positive impression on the recruiter it puts a negative impact about bad choice of yours )
Put your qualifications in a reverse chronological order. i.e. therecent ones first followed by earlier ones. Entry level resume should alsomention the names of their school and college, years in which they passed theirboard examinations. However, include your marks only you have shown agood academic performance.( i have seen people writing 57.67% in 12th class ! that much accuracy is not needed as it is not a govt job based on marks to be applied instead write 58% if you are really reluctant to get your marks shown on your CV )

WORK EXPERIENCE An entry- level resume cannot compete with resumes of experienced CA/CWA/CS inthe area of work experience. But don't forget to list internshipstraining that you have undertaken. How you present these is veryimportant. Make sure you clearly define your duty and responsibilities duringthis training.E.g: I was workingfor the system control department. Wrote quality reports as well as ISO featuresfor the company."
The basic approach should be to put an impact on the recruiter that you were quite good in the fields or positions you undertook.

Keep checking your CV as many times as possible
The most important post resume step: Read and re-read your resume for anymistakes. Check the facts, the grammar, the spellings. After you have checkedit, get you parents, friends, and teachers to check it for you. One small mistake maycost you your job.

One of the greatest thing i have learnt through my employer in articleship Shri Deepak Jain Sir that nothing is better than truth in this world. People cheat and live with fear and guilt that they have done so, instead speak truth always and be proud and assure that only good can be happened for you.
There are many things we would rather not write in our resumes. And whilewriting a resume the strong temptation to stretch the truth (or simply lie throughour teeth) can be quite dangerous.

But just give a thumb downto the temptation. Mostcompanies opt for a reference check during recruitment. Your resume isconsidered a legal document and small wrong details may cause yougreat embarrassment in your career.

So friends there may be many more suggestions on this ever lasting discussion topic but I should end it here only as I really lack words to express my rest of the knowledge which I gained through that fantastic programme. I am now writing the second part of this article as to how to participate in group discussions and sharpen our interview skills so that we could be on the list of most desired candidates interviewed by the recruiters.


P.S (Please See ) : Please feel free to comment or advise on this Article if you have any. As it will be a great motivation and guide for me to write much more .

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