For those who want to quit !!

v@m$h! , Last updated: 10 February 2011  

Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.

I dont know I will be writing my 4th article this soon. I am writing this for my fellow members of CCI who did not qualify in the exams. I want to share my thoughts among all of you. I mean no offence and tell this is not only the correct way to think but I can tell this one of the better way to think.

I got some private messages conveying that they will quit CA course for the reason being failed. I believe in the statement DONT TAKE DECISIONS WHEN YOU ARE SO HAPPY AND WHEN YOU ARE SO SAD.

Before quitting the CA course answer the following questions:-

1.      What answer can I give to my parents after quitting the course?

2.      What is the alternative course can I join?

3.      What your parents will say to your relatives regarding your career?

4.      Are you fully prepared or just studied 2 months before exams?

5.      Did you catch the pulse of CA institute regarding presentation aspects? How far you gave good presentation in exams?


Giving up is the easy thing in life.

1.       If you had given up walking in the small age, you would not have walked now.

2.       If you had given up eating, you would have died.

3.       If you had given up school, you would have not come till CA.

4.       If you had given up your education, your parents could have become more richer.


1.       The foremost thing is if you give up CA course your guilt factor of not getting complete will haunt u.

2.       The next thing is you cannot answer about your career to so many people like your relatives, neighbours etc.

3.       In future you might repent why have i left the course?


Some of the resaons are:-

1.       I failed to analyse the ICAI way of asking questions.

2.       I am not able to recall the answers quickly in the exams.

3.       I did not stick to my plan correctly.

4.       I was weak in the specific subjects.

5.       I was weak in giving presentation for some answers.

6.       I did not manage time well in the exams.

Everyone should analyse the reason for failure and concentrate on them and improve them and go to the next attempt.


I always remember a story.

Once upon a time there was a man who went in search of gold. He spent almost what he has in search of  gold. He took a map which was given by his relative when he was dying. In the map all the locations were mentioned. He reached the destination and started digging for the gold. He digged but was unable to find the gold. He got frustrated. He tried again and again got frustrated. He then thought of quitting and returned to his home town with disappointment. Then he told the story to one of his friend. His friend accommodated him and went in search of gold with the map. The first person told that your effort will be wasted and you will not get any gold. The second man went in search of gold saying that he will try his maximum. He reached the destination and got frustrated because he did not find it. He went on searching the nearby places and did not quit that easily as first one. Here atleast he found the gold exactly 1 mile away from the first one left. THIS CHANGED THE FATE OF THE PERSON.

So try for that EXTRA MILE everytime.





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